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Aviasti Aviasti (a*), Asep Nana Rukmana (b), Chaznin R.M.(c), Reni Amaranti(d), Deva Akbar(e), Ari Ramdani(f)

(a) Program Studi Profesi Insinyur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung
* Aviasti98[at]
(b,c,d,e,f) Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung


The leather tanning industry is an industry that converts raw animal skins into tanned leather through three stages: beam house, tanning, and post-tanning stages. In recent times, the leather tanning industry in Indonesia has experienced a setback due to the lack of availability of raw leather raw materials in the country, the unconnected user industry with the national leather tanning industry, as well as increasing regulations that must be met related to chromium content in water.
Green manufacturing leads to the minimization of negative impacts on the environment from design to the end of the product life cycle. Green manufacturing practices are defined as manufacturing practices that can meet consumer needs while simultaneously complying with environmental regulations. Lean manufacturing is one of the best practices in manufacturing that teaches simplification through waste elimination that can be applied to very complex and non-integrated processes. Lean manufacturing can be said to be manufacturing without waste, so the main principle of this approach is the reduction of waste in the manufacturing function. This article will discuss the implementation of green manufacturing and lean manufacturing, as an effort to overcome the problems experienced by the leather tanning industry, especially those related to environmental issues.

Keywords: leather tanning industry, waste, green manufacturing, lean manufacturing

Topic: Industry Engineering

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