Application of Lean Thinking in Modern Hospital Architectural Design Case Study Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta
Aswin Griksa Fitranto(1,a), Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy(2,b), Sri Pare Eni(3,c)

1,2,3 Department of Architecture, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

a) aswin.griksa[at]
b) Corresponding author: posmahutasoit[at]
c) sri.eni[at]


This paper is an architectural study of modern hospital design. This study aims to apply lean thinking in modern hospital design planning where the patient is the centre. The methodology conducted the research with a qualitative approach through observation and case studies from Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta. Lean thinking approach in the design process, making improvements mainly related to elements and space utilization in the hospital, including integration with information systems and medical technology. Hospital design is carried out by identifying and eliminating waste or activities that are not added value through radical continuous improvement by flowing products (materials, work-in-process, output) and information, using a pull system from stakeholders to pursue excellence and perfection. Thus, it is hoped that the design of the hospital building can be effective in its space program. An architectural design change based on lean thinking is expected to add value to patients and better management of key resources in terms of services, both in the form of access and better room layout.

Keywords: Lean Thinking, Architectural Design, Modern Hospital Design, Cancer Hospital

Topic: Civil Engineering

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