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1 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-2

Covid-19 and its effect on home gardening behaviour in Indonesia
Nur Fajrina, Derek Baker, R.R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo

PT. East West Seed Indonesia. West Java. Indonesia. Email: nurfajrina[at]
Center for Agribusiness. University of New England Business School. Australia. Email: Derek.baker[at]
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Indonesia. Email: brotodjojo[at]


Home gardening offers one approach to improving the Indonesian diet, which is known to contain inadequate vegetables and fruit. It is also a suitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to improve food security but also to promote secondary benefits. We report on a household online survey (n=1201) explored both the level of interest in household gardening and the impact of COVID-19 on this interest. The sample extended to all the country^s main islands, across income levels, employment status, education, and age. The popularity of home gardening was fund to vary with most of these variables, but universally to increase as a consequence of the pandemic. Insights are offered for promotion of vegetable consumption and its role in nutrition and food security. Recommendation for future research are made.

Keywords: covid-19: home gardening: vegetable consumption: nutrition: Indonesia

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2 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-23

Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables Crops for Resilience during Pandemic
Tri Ismono, M Sukri, Amelia Gita Tifani

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia


Due to pandemic, Indonesia Government has issued policies that limit people mobility in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19. One of the impacts of this policy is the decline of economic transaction among the people, including the transaction in the vegetable market. This causes the business income has decreased and will lead to the low consumption of vegetables due to lack of supply. However, there are also people who have started increase their consumption of vegetables (healty food) to increase body immune (Hapsari et al, 2020). Seeing this issue, Mercy Corps Indonesia through POWER program innovate in finding solutions to the problem : basic food needs can be still fulfilled, and farmers, are still able to marketing/selling their agricultural products. The approach is facilitate organizational and business capacity building, including optimizing digital channel for marketing and partnering with other actors along the value chain. Currently, farmer groups across program area, such as Subang, Banyuwangi and Gowa has able to marketing their product (crops) directly to main market and optimized social media (especially WA group) to sell directly to consumer and few others has sell their crops through e-commerce.

Keywords: Business Capacity Building, Digital Channel, Pandemic, POWER, Selling Product

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3 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-28

Value Added Strategy for Post Covid-19 Value Chain Resilience of Horticultures in Batu City and Malang Regency, East Java
Saptini M Rahajeng

ICAT Ketindan, IAAEHRD, Ministry of Agriculture


In Indonesia, countless enterprises in industrial sector were went out of business which leads to mass unemployment due to Covid19. Contrarily, rural centred up-stream of food value chains, found least affected by the pandemic. The problems arose on the decreasing of consumers purchasing power. Farmers engaged in Horticulture, mainly on vegetables, cut flowers, and fruits, experiencing a sharp declining in market absorption due to the impact of Covid-19 towards tourism and socio-cultural activities. Drying vegetable, flowers, and fruits were the right solution in adding its shelf life and value added. The aims of this study were to determine the added value produced by drying vegetables, flowers, and fruits, identify internal and external factors influencing the business and to formulate proper strategies in developing dried vegetables, flower, and fruit business to continue absorbs the harvest. This research was done by study case method to the farmers groups in Batu City and Malang Regency. The Hayami method was used to analyse the added value, meanwhile the SWOT and SOAR analysis were used for developing strategies. From the result showed that vegetables, flowers, and fruits processing into dried products revealed an added value about Rp 23.000-300.000 or in 26%-72,18% ratio of value added. The profits obtained were about Rp 12.000-297.851 per kg fresh or 100 g of dried vegetables, fruit, and flowers, or about 51%-99,80% of profit rate. The added value and profit were found higher on its diversification products. Based on the added value and benefits obtained, the dried vegetables, flowers, and fruits are feasible to be developed. Based on the internal and external factors, the strategy that is considered feasible to be applied in the dried vegetables, flowers, and fruits industry is a concentration strategy through horizontal integration. This strategy aimed to expand the business by product diversification and expand the market by engaging online marketing

Keywords: Value added, value chain, drying method, strategy development

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4 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-38

Lukman Effendy, Yoyon Haryanto, Rudi Hartono, Tri Mulyana

Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic


The use of chemical pesticides is considered more practical by some farmers in controlling plant pests, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The tendency of massive used by farmers has led to the neglect of the principles of applying chemical pesticides. The purpose of this study was to described the level of tendency of farmers and the factors that influence the application of the principle of using pesticides and determine the right strategy to encourage farmers to become better at using chemical pesticides. The research method used was a quantitative survey of the farming community of the integrated pest field school program in Sumedang, with 63 respondents. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that most of the farmers who did not pay attention to the principle of using pesticides came from the old age group and low education level but had farming experience and had extensive farming land. Factors that have a significant effect on this research are the role of agricultural extension workers and the area of arable land. The more intense the agricultural extension workers provide information, the better the application of the principle of using pesticides and the wider the land owned by the farmers, the higher the tendency to ignore the application of the principle of pesticides. The chosen strategy of this research is to optimize the role of extension in the implementation of extension activities and involve farmers who have arable land area to become demonstrators.

Keywords: Preference, Principle, Farmer, Pesticide

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5 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-47

Siti Astuti

Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Yogyakarta Magelang


The COVID-19 crisis has had a lasting impact around the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia as an agricultural country makes farmers play an important role in the national economy. Farmers hope in this pandemic outbreak they can still carry out farming activities as usual. This paper is a review of the innovation of the yard land use program in the local wisdom of the Javanese people, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The local government continues to contribute to ensuring that agriculture runs smoothly and safely during the pandemic, especially through breakthroughs in new technological innovations, one of which is Lumbung Mataraman Program. Lumbung Mataraman is a program to use yard land to provide food needs by using the principles of food self-sufficiency, food diversification based on local food sources, conservation of food genetic resources, and nursery. This program is in accordance with the local wisdom of the Javanese community which applies the agricultural tradition of ^Nandur Opo Sing Dipangan, Mangan Opo Sing Ditandur^. This Program uses a touch of psychological approach for the community with the hope that the community can improve their mindset and using the owned resources by considering the conditions and potential of the environment.

Keywords: Lumbung Mataraman Program, Optimization of Yard Land, Urban Farming

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6 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-60

Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)
Annisa Nur Ichniarsyah, Linda Liswanti, Titis Pury Purboningtyas, Yul Harry Bahar, Nawangwulan Widyastuti

Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic


Shallot is widely used in daily life. Its demand tends to increase even though Indonesia is still facing global pandemic due to Covid-19 outbreak. Before processing, its outer layer should be removed. However, it is time and energy consuming. Therefore, a shallot dehuller machine with theoretical capacity of 20 kg/hour was manufactured to increase peeling capacity. Various tests were conducted to examine the machine performance. The objectives of the research were to conduct performance test by identifying and evaluating mechanical aspects and providing recommendations after the tests concluded. An explanatory descriptive analysis had been chosen to observe, measure, and calculate the data. Results of performance test indicated that while the actual capacity was 14.52 kg/hour, its efficiency was 71.44%. The shelling yield was around 36.29%. During the test, the noisiness also measured which was about 88.4 dB. Moreover, motor and engine vibration were also measured. The results were 6.48 and 6 Hz of motor and engine vibration (without load). Furthermore, motor and engine vibration with load were about 5.96 and 5.56 Hz, respectively. Machine performance was relatively moderate. On the contrary, due to low shelling yield, further modification is needed to achieve better results.

Keywords: dehuller, engine capacity, noise, vibration

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7 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-63

Population Density and Pattern of Vegetable Cultivation in the Yogyakarta Agglomeration Area
Cungki Kusdarjito, Any SUryantini

Janabadra University
Gadjah Mada University


Due to land conversion from agriculture to urban uses, land availability for agriculture decreases that may alter food sufficiency. Basically, urban land uses with higher land rent will supersede agricultural use with lower land rent. From the agricultural perspective, plants that are more extensive and need more land will be pushed away from the urban center while the more intensive ones will be cultivated close to the urban area (market). Vegetables can be cultivated with or without soil, thus they have more flexibility in adapting to urban growth. This research aims to describe the changing pattern of vegetable cultivation in areas with dense and sparse populations in the Yogyakarta agglomeration area (Sleman and Bantul district in 2015 and 2018). LQ was calculated first and then evaluated by a supervised artificial neural network (ANN) to study the pattern. Further, clustering analysis was conducted by principal component analysis (PCA). The results indicate locations close to the city are characterized by low value yet easy to be cultivated plants (eg, water spinach), while more extensive cultivation is cultivated away from the city center (eg. chili). Knowing this pattern will help to determine the vegetable planted in specific regions, especially during the pandemic.

Keywords: agglomeration, vegetables, LQ, ANN, PCA

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8 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-72

Reni Suryanti, Wahyu Trisnasari, Intan Kusuma Wardani, Tri Ratna Saridewi, Sri Palupi

Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Bogor


The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on vegetable farmers. The study focused on determining the gender equality of vegetable farmers^ households during the pandemic. The research involved 31 respondents from Caringin District, Bogor Regency. The qualitative method was used to analyze gender equality using the Harvard model. The study measures gender equality through activities: 1) division of reproductive work, 2) division of productive work, and (3) division of social work. Furthermore, the access and control to resources and benefits are identified from 1) access to resources, 2) access to benefits, 3) control of resources, and 4) control of benefits. The study result shows that women dominate in reproductive work, while men mostly do productive and social work. Moreover, access and control to resources are dominated by a man while women only concentrate on reproductive work.

Keywords: Keywords: access, gender, control, and vegetable farmers

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9 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-73

Traditional Knowledge of the Ammatoa Kajang Indigenous Women for Covid 19 Mitigation in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi
Sri Endang Sukarsih*1), Makkarennu 2), Andang Suryana Soma 2)

1) Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Gowa, Jl. Malino No.KM. 7, Romang Lompoa, Bontomarannu, Kabupaten Gowa, South Sulawesi 92171
2)Forestry Department Faculty of Forestry Hasanuddin University, Jl, Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Tamalanrea Makassar
*)Email : endang.sukarsih[at]


The condition of the covid-19 pandemic is difficult to predict when it will end, so community resilience is needed in dealing with this pandemic. Indigenous women have traditional knowledge to mitigate the covid-19 pandemic. Indigenous peoples believe traditional knowledge as potential resilience that can overcome various diseases, especially COVID-19 and the like. However, this traditional knowledge has not been widely published, so research is needed to obtain traditional knowledge, especially the Ammatoa Kajang indigenous people in Bulukumba Regency. This study aims to determine women^s traditional knowledge and the potential for food security of the Ammatoa Kajang indigenous community in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method was carried out through literature study, observation, and interviews. The data that has been obtained were analyzed by descriptive method. The results showed that traditional knowledge of indigenous women had resistance to the COVID-19 pandemic from herbal plants. Traditional knowledge is in the form of recognizing, cultivating, and utilizing herbal plants for physical fitness or maintaining health and treating various diseases, including symptoms and exposure to COVID-19. The introduction knowledge is from ancestral heritage from generation to generation. Cultivation, taking as needed from the outskirts of the forest and letting it grow naturally and plant in the yard of the house. They used it by attaching leaves to the body area, drinking boiled water from plants, and eating raw or processed vegetables.

Keywords: traditional knowledge, indigenous women Ammatoa Kajang, COVID- 19 mitigation

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10 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-75

Effect of Mulch and Trichoderma Application on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Production
R Sandrakirana*, L Fauziah, l Aisyawati, C Tafakresnanto and Baswarsiati

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology East Java
Jalan Raya Karangploso KM 4, Malang, Indonesia
*) ratih_sandrakirana[at]


The objective of this research is to determine the effect of mulch and Trichoderma use on garlic production. The domestic garlic production in Indonesia can only meet 14.6% of the national demand of 560,390 tons per 2020. The growing environment that is not suitable for the growth of subtropics plants is a suspected factor that lowering productivity. An effort to apply mulch on soil-bed to modify the growing environment which resembles the environmental conditions of subtropics characterized by relatively cold temperatures and sufficient water availability in the soil. Moreover, the addition of Trichoderma would help garlic increasing its resistance to tropical environmental diseases that potentially could decrease the production number. Carried out in Tlekung Village, Batu City (950 masl), this research was done from June to November 2018. The study was designed using factorial CBD with mulch as the first factor (M1=without mulch, M2=straw mulch, M3=plastic mulch) and Trichoderma as the second factor (T1-without Trichoderma, T2=with Trichoderma). There are six characters of observed production: fresh and dry weight of bulbs, the diameter and height of bulbs, the number of cloves, and productivity. The results showed no significant interaction between the two factors and Trichoderma treatment as a single treatment. However, the mulch treatment showed a significant difference which the use of plastic mulch gave the highest results to all of the observed characters. The results showed no noticeable interaction influence between the two factors as well as for Trichoderma treatment. However, the mulch treatment shows a significant difference, where the plastic mulch gave the highest results to all observed characters

Keywords: sub-tropic plant, resistance, tropical disease

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11 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-79

Backward regression: to build the best model of developing agricultural equipment and machinery service business as support to vegetable production
Intan Kusuma Wardani, Kusmiyati, Achdiyat

Agricultural Mechanization Technology Department
Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic
Aria Surialaga Street, Number 1, Bogor City, West Java, 16119


Agriculture faces a challenge to success the zero hunger program of SDGs. It needs to be supported by applying agricultural technology to ensure efficient farming practices. The Ministry of Agriculture has granted agricultural machines to farmers^ organizations called agricultural equipment and machinery service businesses. However, many of these businesses are unsuccessful. The study aims to determine an excellent strategic model to develop these businesses. The research was held in Bandung because it is one of the vegetable-producing areas in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the backward multiple regression method to build the best model by eliminating the non-significant variable. The purpose of this method assesses the influence of organization performance (org), regular meetings (meet), training (train) on economic improvement (eco). The results of the study showed that the best model is eco = 0.233.train + - 0.329 (R2 = 0.83). While regular meeting has no significant impact. It can be concluded that the capacity building and strengthening organizations will have an optimum contribute on increasing the economic value of farmers^ businesses.

Keywords: backward, farmers business, mechanization, regression, vegetables

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12 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-85

Rajiman1), Sari Megawati1), Ananti Yekti1) dan Arif Anshori2)

1) Program Study of Seed Technology, Agricultural Development Polytechnic of Yogyakarta - Magelang. Jalan Kusumanegara 2 Yogyakarta Indonesia
2) Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Yogyakarta. Jalan Stadion Maguwoharjo No. 22 Wedomartani Ngemplak Sleman D.I. Yogyakarta Indonesia


The success of shallot cultivation in vertisol soil is influenced by the use of seeds and the application of organic matter. The aim of this study was to the effect of type of local organic matter on vertisol soil on the growth and yield of three True Shallot Seed (TSS) varieties. The research was carried out in Plembutan, Playen, Gunung Kidul. The research was conducted from May-August 2021. The research method used a Split Plot Design with 3 replications. The main plot consists of types of local organic matter (B), consisting of B1 = Cow, and B2 = Goat, B3 = Chicken. While the sub-plots were Varieties (V), consisting of: V1 = Maserati, V2 = Sanren, , and V3 = Lokananta. The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, number of bulb per clump, dry bulb weight per clump, bulb diameter and productivity. Data were analyzed with variance and DMRT 5%. The results showed that the type of local organic matter did not significantly interact with the TSS variety. Treatment of types of organic matter and varieties did not significantly affect plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers per clump, dry tuber weight per clump, tuber diameter and productivity. The type of local organic matter from cows produces the highest growth and yields, followed by goats and chickens. The lokananta variety produced the highest productivity, followed by Sanren and Maserati.

Keywords: productivity, yield, shallots, organic matter, and Vertisol

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13 Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic ABS-106

Production of Pathogen-free Vegetables for Better Health
Anupam Varma

Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Vegetables are an important component of human diets for being exceptional source of vitamins, including antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E), phytochemical compounds, minerals and dietary fibres, which play an important role in human health. Vegetables are also favourable hosts of plant pathogens - viroids, viruses, phytoplasma, bacteria, fungi and nematodes, causing enormous economic losses by adversely affecting productivity and quality. These pathogens are efficiently transmitted through seeds, transplants, insect vectors, aerial dispersal of spores, soil and water. To minimise the losses caused by diseases technologies have been developed to produce pathogen-free seeds and transplants, and prevent field infections. Use of pathogen-free seeds and planting material, and protected cultivation have paid rich dividends. However, management of diseases in vegetables grown under field conditions is challenging.
A greater concern is the possibility of jumping of plant pathogens with adverse impacts on human and animal health and safety. Several plant pathogens - viruses, bacteria and fungi, have been shown to cause opportunistic infections in man and animals. For example, common plant pathogens - Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Burkholderia cepacia, are shown to also infect animals and humans. Recently, Mucor which commonly occurs in decaying fruits and vegetables caused dreadful Mucormycosis in patients recovering from COVID-19 infections. Some Fusarium and Pythium species that infect tomato and cucurbits are shown to cause blood infection in humans. Some plant viruses (Pepper mild mottle virus and Tobacco mosaic virus) and Phytoplasma infecting Solanaceous vegetables are also claimed to cause infection in humans. The biosafety of the vegetables consumed fresh is even more serious due to the food-borne infections. Salmonella and some strains of Escherichia coli, particularly Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), cause severe food-borne infections by the consumption of cont

Keywords: vegetable

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14 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-6

Pemberian Pupuk Trichokompos untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai Merah di Desa Rumbio
Ainil Faidah (a*), Setya Budhi Udrayana (b), Sutoyo (c)

a) Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
b) Jurusan Penyuluhan Pertanian Berkelanjutan


Tricho-compost works in increasing the speed of plant growth and development because it can preserve soil fertility and productivity as well as containing the fungus Trichoderma sp. which can inhibit the growth and spread of fungal toxins that cause disease to plants. This research aims to determine the response of growth and yield of red chili plants to Tricho-compost fertilizer. The method used was a completely randomized design with 6 replications consisting of 4 treatments, namely P0 (0 g/polybag), P1 (50 g/polybag), P2 (100 g/polybag), P3 (150 g/polybag). Observation parameters included plant height, number of productive branches, number of fruits planted, and weight of wet fruit from planting. Data analysis used ANOVA test and Duncan Multiple Range Test further test with 5% level. The results showed that the application of Tricho-compost fertilizer significantly affected the growth and yield of red chili plants. The best treatment was produced by Tricho-compost 150 g/polybag with an average plant height of 47 cm, the number of productive branches 11.5, the number of fruits 12.8 and the wet fruit weight of 17.6 g.

Keywords: Pupuk Trichokompos, Cabai Merah, Pertumbuhan, Hasil.

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15 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-7

Effects of various drying methods on the physicochemical properties of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.)
Endah Puspitojati, Novia Aristi Rahayu, Nur Fatimah, Bambang Sudarmanto

Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Yogyakarta Magelang


Telang flower is a biopharmaceutical horticulture commodity and known as functional food source since it contains rich nutrients. The physicochemical properties of this flower are influenced by the drying methods. This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties of telang flower using the sun and oven drying methods. The standard procedures were used to determine the water content, pH, anthocyanin content, free radical inhibitory activity, and IC50. This study used a completely randomized design with one treatment factor: drying methods, which included sun drying, sun drying with black cloth cover, and oven drying. The fresh telang flower served as the control. Furthermore, the best drying treatment was also evaluated using the De Garmo effectiveness index test. The results revealed that all drying procedures possessed a significant difference in water content, pH, anthocyanin content, and IC50 values (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the free radical inhibitory activity in all treatments did not differ significantly (p> 0.05). It was found that all treatments had IC50 values in the range of 36.48-49.67 ppm of antioxidant activity. Telang flowers were found to be very potent antioxidants. As a result of the effectiveness index test, the sun drying using a black cloth cover provided the best treatment with the characteristics of water content, pH, anthocyanin content, free radical inhibitory activity, and IC50 of 17.47%, 7.03, 0.085 mg/mL, 85.51%, and 49.67 ppm, respectively.

Keywords: Clitoria ternatea, anthocyanin, free radical inhibition, antioxidant, drying

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16 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-8

Optimization of Lettuce Production and Growth through Hydroponic Planting System
Hamyana, Budianto, M.Imron Bukhori

Polbangtan Malang


Hydroponics is a solution to overcome the problem of limited land in horticultural cultivation. Several hydroponic systems and growing media have been widely practiced by farmers in cultivation, but not many have studied the best hydroponic systems and growing media to produce optimal production. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of hydroponic systems and growing media on lettuce production. The research was conducted in April - May 2021 in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. The research method used an experiment with an experimental design using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) in a factorial pattern. The first factor is the hydroponic system consisting of the Deep Flow Technique system, Nutrient Film Technique, Wick System and the second factor is the type of hydroponic growing media consisting of Rockwool, Foam, Husk, and Cocopeat growing media. The treatment combination was repeated 3 times with the observation parameters of plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, crown width and yield weight. Observational data were analyzed by Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan Advanced Test at 5% accuracy level. The results showed that the two factors interacted with the growth of lettuce at 5 DAP to 40 DAP observations from all slettuce growth from all the observation parameters was the M1N1 treatment, namely the DFT hydroponic system (Deep Flow Technique) and the type of Rockwool growing media

Keywords: hydroponics, growing media, lettuce

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17 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-9

Shallots (Allium cepa var. Ascalonicum): Inhibitors Formation of Carcinogenic Compounds, Polycyclyc Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Charcoal-Grilled Goat Satay
Eko Saputro, Lilik Eka Radiati, Warsito, and Djalal Rosyidi

Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya &
Indonesia Center for Livestock Training, Ministry of Agriculture

Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
University of Brawijaya

Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya


This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of shallots juices at various concentrations (0, 10, 20 and 30%) in inhibiting the formation of carcinogenic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in charcoal-grilled goat satay. A 2x4 split-plot factorial randomized block design was used in this experiment. The experiment consisted of 2 treatments of goat satay (super goat satay or without fat and reguler goat satay or or with fat) and 4 marination treatments of shallots juices [concentrations of 0, 10, 20 and 30% (g of shallots / mL of distilled water)] at 4 oC for 60 minutes. This experiment used 24 samples of raw goat meat satay and charcoal-grilled goat satay with 3 replications. The results showed that fat content, level of lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS), antioxidant activity (diphenyl-picrilhydrazil, DPPH), and levels of 6 types of PAHs namely naphthalene (Nap), acenaphthene (Acp), phenanthrene (Phe), pyrene (Pyr), benzo(a)anthracene (BaA) and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in raw or grilled goat satay were significantly affected by marination of raw goat satay with shallots juices 0, 10, 20 and 30%. The natural antioxidant compounds of shallots were very effectively deposited into raw goat satay by marination. The greater the antioxidant activity of raw goat satay in the marinated shallots juices with the higher concentration. Lipid oxidation (TBARS) in super/non-fat raw goat satay can be prevented effectively by marination with shallots juices. The carcinogenic levels of BaP and BaA in super and reguler charcoal-grilled goat satay could be significantly reduced to undetectable by marination of raw goat satay with 10% and 20% shallots juices even though the non-carcinogenic levels of Pyr were increased. Phe, Ace and Nap in super and regular charcoal-grilled goat satay can be significantly reduced to undetectable by marination of raw goat satay with 10, 20 and 30% shallots juices. The level of BaP in the reguler charcoal-grilled goat sata

Keywords: benzo(a)pyrene, goat satay, charcoal-grilled, shallots, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbones (PAHs)

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18 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-10

Mochamad Zakky1, Heri Suliyanto2, Temy Indrayanti2, Rina Syawal3

1Student at Bogor Agricultural University
2Program Study of Agricultural Mechanization Technology, Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic
3Planning Functional Officer, Food Security Agency


Indonesia was currently facing multiple nutritional problems, namely stunting, wasting and obesity in children, adolescents and adults. One of the nutritional problems was caused by a lack of consumption of vegetables. The Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) activity was a solution to promote a balanced nutrition menu, nutrition education and family nutrition development. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of developing Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) activities in overcoming nutritional deficiencies (malnutrition) in children. The method used descriptive by interpreting the results of the Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) activity. Data were collected from 10 Elementary Schools (SD) in Batang Regency, Central Java Province that received the Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) activity, where 15 respondents were taken from each school to see changes before and after the intervention activities for 6 months. The results of this study showed a change in the participation rate for growing vegetables from 43.2% an increase to 91.3%. In addition, households (RT) in the intervention of this activity decreased their dislike of eating vegetables from 17.3% in the early stages to 10.0% after the intervention, while sick family members also decreased from 25.3% to 12%. Changes in the condition of the beneficiaries after the intervention showed an increase in health by consuming vegetables. This activity was expected to improve nutrition in children so that health improvements can be realized.

Keywords: Development, Health improvement, Vegetables Go to School (VGtS)

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19 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-16

Farmers^ Motivation in Controlling Dead Shoot Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Mahmudah(a*), M. Jufri (a,b) Yuliana Kansrini(a), Amelia Zuliyanti Siregar(a,b), Jhon Rizki Oktomi Purba(c)

a)Indonesian Agricultural Development Polytechnic Medan Jln. Binjai km 10 Medan, Tromol Pos 18, Medan, 20002, Sumatera Utara, mudah_1080[at]
b)Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara,Jl.Dr.A.Sofyan No 3 Medan 20155, Sumatera Utara
c)Student of Sustainable Agriculture Extension Studies Program, Indonesian Agricultural Development Polytechnic Medan,Jln. Binjai km 10 Medan, Tromol Pos 18, Medan, 20002


The shallot are the beneficial plantation for future in our community.This extension study aims to find out- (1) the motivation of farmers in controlling shoot dead disease (Phytoptora porri) of shallot (Allium cepa)- (2) to examine the factors that influence farmers^ motivation in controlling shoot dead disease (Phytoptora porri) of shallot (Allium cepa). This extension study was carried out in Onanrungguu District, Samosir Regency from March to July 2021. The extension assessment method used was descriptive analysis, then to determine the level of motivation of farmers used the Likert model scoring technique, and to determine the factors that influence the motivation of farmers used multiple linear analysis models. The results of the study of the overall extension of the level of motivation of farmers in the control of dead short disease (Phytoptora porri) of shallots were very highly. In detail, the level of farmer motivation which includes social motivation and economic motivation is classified as very high. The factors that significantly influence the motivation of farmers in the control of shallot dead disease (Phytoptora porri) in are knowledge, social environment, and capital, while the factors that do not significantly affect are age and income.

Keywords: Farmer^s motivation, control, shallot, Phytoptora porri, Samosir.

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20 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-19

Qanytah, Dondy S. Anggono, Wisnu Broto

Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development


Two commercial curly red chili varieties are cv. Amro-99 and cv. Kencana, were identified and analyzed. The purpose of this study is to identify and characterize the physical and chemical properties of the two potential chilies for the purposes of sorting, welding, and packaging technology to meet consumer needs and export quality. Two hundred chili samples for each variety were obtained from farmers in Kawali District, Ciamis Regency. The results showed that the cv. Amro-99 had a larger size and was longer than the cv. Kencana. Physical characteristics of cv. Kencana and Amro-99 are almost the same except for the petal margins. The cv. Amro-99 has higher fat, water, protein, and vitamin C content than the cv. Kencana, but cv. Kencana has a more spicy taste because it has a higher capsaicin content. According to Codex standards for spiciness, cv. Kencana and cv. Amro-99 was included in the medium category for the content of capsaicin. The results of this study can be used to map marketing strategies and the basis for considerations to engineer postharvest chili peppers. Through branding, products can be identified and converted into sales value. The most important chili characteristics are spiciness and red color. Therefore branding can be done easily through variety, spiciness, and red color, so this will help determine the target of consumers^ markets.

Keywords: characterization, chili, physical, chemical

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21 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-20

Athoillah Azadi1, M. J. Tjaturetna Budiastuti, Novi Sulistyosari

Program Study of Agricultural Mechanization Technology, Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic


Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L.) is a hotricultural commodity that has commercial value and high risk of failure. The availability of sufficient water in the dry season during the tuber formation period is a critical factor for cultivation. This study aims to design and manufacture a centrifugal water floating pump that is in accordance with the conditions of the shallot agroecosystem which will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of watering. This floating pump engine has a 1.5 kW gasoline motor as the main driver with a maximum vertical shaft rotation of 6500 rpm. The weight of the pump unit including fuel and oil is 13 kg so it is quite light and has high mobility. Based on the performance test, the maximum discharge of the pump at 50% valve opening is 169 liters/minute at 2200 rpm, and at 100% valve opening with a maximum discharge of 141 liters/minute at 2300 rpm. The average fuel consumption during the test was 0.48 liters/hour and can operate at a minimum water depth of 50 cm. A floating pump machine that has the ability to run automatically when operating to make it easier for farmers to water onions quickly and effectively.

Keywords: Floating pump, centrifugal, shallot, watering

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22 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-22

Pitri Ratna Asih1), Agus Wartapa1), Mustakim2), Sukiyanto2)

1. Program Study of Seed Technology, Major of Agriculture, Polytechnic of Agricultural Development Yogyakarta-Magelang, Jl. Kusumanegara no. 2, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2. Agricultural Extension Center Subdistrict Girimulyo, District Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Shallot seed production using TSS (True Shallot Seed) is more effective and efficient in terms of storage and distribution,but it must be sown first. The purpose of this study was to determine response and obtain the best combination of number and age of TSS seedlings in increasing shallot seeds production. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete design of number x age of seedling with 3 replications. The number of seedling,consisted of. 1, 2, 3, and 4 seedling for each planting hole and the age of seedling,consisted of. 25, 35, 45, and 55 DAS (Days After Seedling). The result showed the number and age of TSS seedlings affected vegetative growth parameters (plant height and number of leaves), yield (yield per m2, dry yield per m2, sample yield, sample dry yield), productivity, and characteristics of the seed bulbs produced (number, diameter, and weight). The treatment of 3 seedlings per planting hole and 35 DAS (Days After Seedling) significantly and consistently showed better response than other treatments. That treatment able to increased vegetative growth parameters (plant height and number of leaves), yield (yield per m2, dry yield per m2, sample yield, sample dry yield), productivity and number of bulbs with lighter weight and smaller diameter characteristics of bulbs.

Keywords: plant density, nursery, transplanting, vegetative growth, bulb characteristic

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23 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-26

Developing Detection Methods for Tomato Diseases: Innovation to Support Food Availability
Muslihah Nur Hidayati (a,b), Suranto (a), Ari Susilowati (a)

(a) Bioscience Program, School of Graduates, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

(b) Applied Research Institute of Agricultural Quarantine, Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia


Plant pathogens affect food availability and consequently food security through reductions in yield and plant mortality. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is a plant pathogenic bacteria that causes bacterial wilt and canker, which is one of the most important bacterial diseases of tomato. Based on genomic analysis, the largest Cmm region contains pathogenicity related gene, tomA, which encodes an exported enzymes involved in the detoxification of the saponin, a plant defense and antimicrobial compound produced by tomato and other members of the Solanaceae. This study aimed to optimize detection and identification of Cmm by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Specific primers based tomA gene has been designed. Construction and feasibility analysis of primer pair was done using Primer3Plus program. Ten primer candidates were successfully obtained based on the result of the program. Primer parameters analysis selected the best candidates of specific primer. Two specific primer PCR were successfully constructed and used to amplify tomA gene by PCR method. Both primer resulting in a PCR product with a length of 232 bp and can be used for further specific detection of tomato diseases, especially caused by Cmm.

Keywords: tomato, primer, tomA gene, food availability, food security

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24 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-27

Tama Sari Kartikasih Napitupulu(a*), Tience Elizabet Pakpahan (b), Elrisa Ramadhani (b)

a) Student of Sustainable Agricultural Extension Department, Indonesian Agricultural Development Polytechnic Medan
Jalan Binjai km. 10 Tromol Pos 18
* tamanapitupulu70[at]
b) Indonesian Agricultural Development Polytechnic Medan
Jalan Binjai km. 10 Tromol Pos 18


Food Estate is a big step taken by the Government to maintain the sustainability of food security to anticipate the occurrence of a food crisis especially in horticulture sector. Shallots is one of commodity that planted in Food Estate Hortikultura, Humbang Hasundutan Regency. Shallots that infected by the powdery mildew can make a big disadvantage for farmers. This study aims to determine the motivation of farmers and the factors that influenced the motivation of farmers in controlling the powdery mildew on shallots. This research was conducted in Food Estate Hortikultura, Humbang Hasundutan Regency. Sampling was done by census. The method of collecting data that used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation, while the data analysis methods were using Likert scale and multiple linear regression. The research results showed that the motivation level of farmers in controlling powdery mildew on Shallots was categorized very high. The motivations of farmers were significantly influenced by attending the extension, facilities and Infrastructure, government assistance, and the number of family dependents. The high motivation of farmers showed the concerned of farmers to the disadvantages of powder mildew on shallots and their willingness to control it through the encouragement from many aspects and stakeholders that has scheduled.

Keywords: Motivation, Shallots, Powdery mildew, Food Estate, Humbang Hasundutan

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25 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-30

Performance and Productivity of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola Variety from Five Generations in Toba, North Sumatra
Vitho Alveno (a), Nerlileng Purba (b), Bambang S. Purwoko (b), Awang Maharijaya (a)

a) Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, IPB University
Kampus IPB Baranang Siang
Jl Pajajaran Bogor 16143, Jawa Barat - Indonesia
b) Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Jl. Meranti, Kampus IPB Dramaga
Bogor 16680, Jawa Barat - Indonesia


Potato is one of the major horticulture crop in Indonesia, but potato productivity in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to several European countries such as Belgium and Netherlands. One of the major problem was the availability of Generation 4 tuber as potato extension seed, which then forced farmer to use lower quality seed. This study aims to determine the effect of using different seed generations on potato performance and production. The study was carried out in Aek Natolu Jaya village, Lumban Julu sub-district, Toba Regency, North Sumatra from November to March 2020, using potato seed from five generation. The results showed that G0, G1, and G2 had the same performance and was the best performance based on the height and diameter of the stem and had the best productivity and started to decrease in the G3 and G4 treatments. The highest number of tubers harvested was found on G0 and G1 treatments. G0, G1, and G2 has higher productivity and also produced better tuber grades than G3 and G4. G2 has high productivity and the only generation produced Grade A tubers, which indicates that G2 is more suitable to be used as extension seed.

Keywords: grade- seed- tropics- tuber- yield

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26 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-35

Performance of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Maulidia Nabilah (a*), Heri Harti (a), M.A. Chozin (b), Kusuma Darma (a), Endang Gunawan (a), Awang Maharijaya (a)

a) Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies,
Jalan Raya Pajajaran, Bogor 16141, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Jalan Meranti, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


Shallot is an essential vegetable crop in Indonesia. Development of new variety of shallot is necessary to increase the productivity of shallot in Indonesia. Availability of high yielding and disease resistant shallot varieties will ensure its sustainable production. The objective of this research is to test the performance of newly released variety namely SS Sakato in three different locations in Indonesia. This variety was developed by Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies in a participatory plant breeding scheme with farmers from 2014 to 2017. The test was conducted in Solok, Kuningan, and Bogor from September 2020 to July 2021. The result showed that SS Sakato variety grew well in all location and superior to local variety that has been used by farmer in those location. This indicates that this variety has a wide adaptation and it can be used as a National variety to increase the production of Shallot in Indonesia, as well as farmer^s income.

Keywords: Horticulture- Participatory plant breeding- Released variety- Vegetable

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27 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-39

Hastuti- Dea Amanda

Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Bogor Agricultural University


Carbosulfan is one of the pesticides widely used by farmers of shallot. Excessive use of pesticides has caused controversy, particularly with regard to the environment and health, as pesticide residues can accumulate in agricultural products and pollute rivers. Even though, the use of Carbosulfan pesticide is still believed by many to benefit farmers in the economic and social aspects. This study aims to: (1) describe the social impacts of Carbosulfan use, including farmers^ attitudes and motivations as well as its social benefits in shallot farms,s and (2) analyze the economic impacts of Carbosulfan in shallot farms. The method used in this study are descriptive analysis, income analysis, and linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, farmers^ preference in choosing to use insecticides with Carbosulfan active ingredient is due to its effectiveness in controlling pests, as well as easily available at a relatively lower price than other insecticides with the active ingredients. Moreover, the revenue and cost ratio values is greater than 1. It indicated that the farming of shallot farming is profitable. When shallot farming does not use Carbosulfan, then revenue and cost obtained will be smaller due to the decrease in production which implies the revenue and increase in production costs.

Keywords: pesticides- income analysis- linear regression analysis- profitability- revenue and cost

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28 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-40

Muhammad Firdaus, Hastuti, Dea Amanda

Bogor Agricultural University


Pest management plays big role in chili production. Most chili farmers in Indonesia use a chemical pesticides, among various pesticide active substances, Carbosulfan is one of the pesticides widely used by farmers. Even though there are some controversial issues related to health and the environment, the use of Carbosulfan pesticide is still believed by many to benefit farmers in the economic and social aspects. This study aims to: (1) describe the social impacts of Carbosulfan use, including farmers^ attitudes and motivations as well as its social benefits, and (2) analyze the economic impacts of Carbosulfan. The method used in this study are descriptive analysis, income analysis and linear regression analysis. This study found that: (1) only one third of the sample agree that the use of carbosulfan pesticides could save the working time of chili farmers. This saved working time was then used by farmers to carry out other activities such as become farmworkers or labor/handyman, or rest. (2) Chili farming with carbosulfan is profitable and the use of carbosulfan pesticide is relatively cheaper than its substitute. Carbosulfan pesticides significantly and positively affect chili productivity, and if it is eliminated in the production process then it can create some economic value lost.

Keywords: pesticides- productivity- motivations- profitability- value

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29 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-41

harvesting fresh Moringa leaves by leaf picking method produces the highest yield
Ketty Suketty(a), Juang Gema Kartika (a), Aisya Risanda Rahmadyahningrum(b)

(a)Department Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University
(b) Alumny of Department Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University


Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is perennial, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall. Moringa leaves can be eaten as vegetable. Appropriate cultivation techniques are needed to maximize fresh leaves yield. This research aims to study and determine the appropriate spacing and harvesting techniques to obtain the best moringa growth and leaf yield. The study was conducted at Kebun Percobaan IPB Sukamantri at 540 m asl, in March to July 2019. The experiment used a split plot design with plant spacing as main plots, and harvesting techniques as subplots. Plant spacing used are 50 cm x 25 cm, 50 cm x 50 cm, 100 cm x 50 cm, dan 100 cm x 100 cm. Harvesting techniques consist of branch pruning and leaf picking. Harvesting with branch pruning was done by cut 5 cm from the base of the branches, and leaf picking was done by picking leaves that meet the harvest criteria. The result showed that leaf picking techniques produces longer branches and bigger leaves. Moringa planting at a spacing of 50 cm x 25 cm and harvested by leaf picking technique produces the highest leaf yield per unit area until the plant was 15 weeks after transplant.

Keywords: harvest method, leaf production, moringa cultivation, plant density, plant population

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30 Food and Nutrition Security ABS-45

Access of small farmers indigenous vegetables to high value markets
Awang Maharijaya1,2, Endang Gunawan2, Heri Harti2, Anas Dinurrohman Susila1,2

1 Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University, Jalan Raya Darmaga 16680 Bogor, Indonesia
2 Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, Bogor Agricultural University, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang Jalan Pajajaran Bogor - 16144, Indonesia
3 Corresponding author- email: awangmaharijaya[at]


Indigenous vegetables can be defined as native vegetables to the area that has been commonly cultivated and consumed by local people. Since it is very local specific, the utilization of these vegetables is very low and even can be seen as neglected or abandoned. The objective of our study was to study the possible programs to increase the use of indigenous vegetables which can benefit both farmers and consumers. The study was done in three main activities: 1) selection of indigenous vegetable collections based on the farmer and consumer or market preference, 2) verification and implementation of good agricultural practices and good handling practices (fresh handling), including the seed production system, 3) dissemination of the best production techniques to farmers and market penetration of the product produced by the farmers. Some vegetables were selected by farmers and industries to be developed i.e. bean, cowpeas, basil, and pohpohan. Therefore the further designed programs were based on these vegetables, i.e. selection of varieties that are adaptive to the sub-optimal condition, mass field production technology, seed production, exploring the health benefit content of selected vegetables, and dissemination and commercialization.

Keywords: agribusiness, basil, bean, community, cowpea, dissemination, empowerment, pohpohan,

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