Covid-19 and its effect on home gardening behaviour in Indonesia
Nur Fajrina, Derek Baker, R.R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo

PT. East West Seed Indonesia. West Java. Indonesia. Email: nurfajrina[at]
Center for Agribusiness. University of New England Business School. Australia. Email: Derek.baker[at]
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Indonesia. Email: brotodjojo[at]


Home gardening offers one approach to improving the Indonesian diet, which is known to contain inadequate vegetables and fruit. It is also a suitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to improve food security but also to promote secondary benefits. We report on a household online survey (n=1201) explored both the level of interest in household gardening and the impact of COVID-19 on this interest. The sample extended to all the country^s main islands, across income levels, employment status, education, and age. The popularity of home gardening was fund to vary with most of these variables, but universally to increase as a consequence of the pandemic. Insights are offered for promotion of vegetable consumption and its role in nutrition and food security. Recommendation for future research are made.

Keywords: covid-19: home gardening: vegetable consumption: nutrition: Indonesia

Topic: Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic

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