Backward regression: to build the best model of developing agricultural equipment and machinery service business as support to vegetable production Intan Kusuma Wardani, Kusmiyati, Achdiyat
Agricultural Mechanization Technology Department
Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic
Aria Surialaga Street, Number 1, Bogor City, West Java, 16119
Agriculture faces a challenge to success the zero hunger program of SDGs. It needs to be supported by applying agricultural technology to ensure efficient farming practices. The Ministry of Agriculture has granted agricultural machines to farmers^ organizations called agricultural equipment and machinery service businesses. However, many of these businesses are unsuccessful. The study aims to determine an excellent strategic model to develop these businesses. The research was held in Bandung because it is one of the vegetable-producing areas in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the backward multiple regression method to build the best model by eliminating the non-significant variable. The purpose of this method assesses the influence of organization performance (org), regular meetings (meet), training (train) on economic improvement (eco). The results of the study showed that the best model is eco = 0.233.train + - 0.329 (R2 = 0.83). While regular meeting has no significant impact. It can be concluded that the capacity building and strengthening organizations will have an optimum contribute on increasing the economic value of farmers^ businesses.