Optimization of Lettuce Production and Growth through Hydroponic Planting System Polbangtan Malang Abstract Hydroponics is a solution to overcome the problem of limited land in horticultural cultivation. Several hydroponic systems and growing media have been widely practiced by farmers in cultivation, but not many have studied the best hydroponic systems and growing media to produce optimal production. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of hydroponic systems and growing media on lettuce production. The research was conducted in April - May 2021 in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. The research method used an experiment with an experimental design using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) in a factorial pattern. The first factor is the hydroponic system consisting of the Deep Flow Technique system, Nutrient Film Technique, Wick System and the second factor is the type of hydroponic growing media consisting of Rockwool, Foam, Husk, and Cocopeat growing media. The treatment combination was repeated 3 times with the observation parameters of plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, crown width and yield weight. Observational data were analyzed by Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan Advanced Test at 5% accuracy level. The results showed that the two factors interacted with the growth of lettuce at 5 DAP to 40 DAP observations from all slettuce growth from all the observation parameters was the M1N1 treatment, namely the DFT hydroponic system (Deep Flow Technique) and the type of Rockwool growing media Keywords: hydroponics, growing media, lettuce Topic: Food and Nutrition Security |
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