Qanytah, Dondy S. Anggono, Wisnu Broto

Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development


Two commercial curly red chili varieties are cv. Amro-99 and cv. Kencana, were identified and analyzed. The purpose of this study is to identify and characterize the physical and chemical properties of the two potential chilies for the purposes of sorting, welding, and packaging technology to meet consumer needs and export quality. Two hundred chili samples for each variety were obtained from farmers in Kawali District, Ciamis Regency. The results showed that the cv. Amro-99 had a larger size and was longer than the cv. Kencana. Physical characteristics of cv. Kencana and Amro-99 are almost the same except for the petal margins. The cv. Amro-99 has higher fat, water, protein, and vitamin C content than the cv. Kencana, but cv. Kencana has a more spicy taste because it has a higher capsaicin content. According to Codex standards for spiciness, cv. Kencana and cv. Amro-99 was included in the medium category for the content of capsaicin. The results of this study can be used to map marketing strategies and the basis for considerations to engineer postharvest chili peppers. Through branding, products can be identified and converted into sales value. The most important chili characteristics are spiciness and red color. Therefore branding can be done easily through variety, spiciness, and red color, so this will help determine the target of consumers^ markets.

Keywords: characterization, chili, physical, chemical

Topic: Food and Nutrition Security

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