Effect of Mulch and Trichoderma Application on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Production
R Sandrakirana*, L Fauziah, l Aisyawati, C Tafakresnanto and Baswarsiati

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology East Java
Jalan Raya Karangploso KM 4, Malang, Indonesia
*) ratih_sandrakirana[at]yahoo.co.id


The objective of this research is to determine the effect of mulch and Trichoderma use on garlic production. The domestic garlic production in Indonesia can only meet 14.6% of the national demand of 560,390 tons per 2020. The growing environment that is not suitable for the growth of subtropics plants is a suspected factor that lowering productivity. An effort to apply mulch on soil-bed to modify the growing environment which resembles the environmental conditions of subtropics characterized by relatively cold temperatures and sufficient water availability in the soil. Moreover, the addition of Trichoderma would help garlic increasing its resistance to tropical environmental diseases that potentially could decrease the production number. Carried out in Tlekung Village, Batu City (950 masl), this research was done from June to November 2018. The study was designed using factorial CBD with mulch as the first factor (M1=without mulch, M2=straw mulch, M3=plastic mulch) and Trichoderma as the second factor (T1-without Trichoderma, T2=with Trichoderma). There are six characters of observed production: fresh and dry weight of bulbs, the diameter and height of bulbs, the number of cloves, and productivity. The results showed no significant interaction between the two factors and Trichoderma treatment as a single treatment. However, the mulch treatment showed a significant difference which the use of plastic mulch gave the highest results to all of the observed characters. The results showed no noticeable interaction influence between the two factors as well as for Trichoderma treatment. However, the mulch treatment shows a significant difference, where the plastic mulch gave the highest results to all observed characters

Keywords: sub-tropic plant, resistance, tropical disease

Topic: Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetables for Resilience during Pandemic

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