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Minimize student misconceptions about Newton^s third law with unstructured problems in modeling instruction
Purbo Suwasono, Hotramaida Munthe, Eleeyah Saniso

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UM


Abstract. There are still many misconceptions related to Newton^s Third Laws. There have also been many solutions that have been carried out to erode misconceptions related to Newton^s Third Laws. Mostly, the solution for eradicating misconceptions is done by using the current curriculum-based modeling learning. Meanwhile, students have misconceptions that are obtained based on their daily experiences related to Newton^s Third Laws. Because the difference in perception has an impact, students^ misconceptions are still carried over to the structure of their brains. Thus, it is necessary to learn modeling based on unstructured problems. The chosen modeling learning is Modeling Instruction which is designed based on unstructured problems. The aim of this research is to minimize students^ misconceptions regarding Newton^s Third Laws by using Modeling Instruction. The research method is a mixed method experimental design type. The experimental design used is one group pretest-posttest. To see the increase in the pretest to posttest scores, the Paired t test statistic was used. To find out how much misconception is minimized, the Cross Tabulation statistic is used. The results showed that the significance value was 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of using modeling instruction learning with unstructured problems on students^ understanding of concepts. The number of misconceptions that were minimized was 65.45%, and the misconceptions that still persisted were 10.91%. The number of students choosing the correct option but the reason is wrong or without a reason is 23.64%.

Keywords: modeling instruction, minimization of misconceptions, unstructured problems, Newton^s Third Laws

Topic: Physics Education

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