Synthesis and Characterization Fe Doped BaBi4Ti4O15 Plate-Like Prepared via Molten Salt Method
Dwi Nurcahyaningtyas,1, *) Anton Prasetyo,1, *)

1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jl. Gajayana No. 50, Malang, 65144, Indonesia.
a) Corresponding author: dtyas236[at] anton[at]


The four layer Aurivillius compound BaBi4Ti4O15 is reported can be applied as photocatalyst material with band gap energy of 3.2 eV as result will work in ultraviolet light range. The strategy to decrease the band gap energy is doped with metal element like Fe atom. In this research, we synthesized Fe doped BaBi4Ti4O15 (BaBi4Ti3.95Fe0.05O15- BaBi4Ti3.90Fe0.1O15- BaBi4Ti3.85Fe0.15O15- and BaBi4Ti3.80Fe0.2O15) with the purposes to decreases its band gap energy. The diffractogram of samples showed Fe doped BaBi4Ti4O15 compound was succesfully formed and no impurity phase with space group A21am. Micrograph scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed plate-like morphology particle and still found aglomeration occurs. The result calculation of Kubelka-Munk showed that Fe doped can decrease band gap energy of BaBi4Ti4O15.

Keywords: BaBi4Ti4O15, Fe dopant, band gap energy, molten salt method.

Topic: Science

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