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Correlation of Free-Body Diagrams to Problem Solving Ability on the Topic of Particle Dynamics
Dimas Dafa Rizkianto (a), Mega Putri Kurniawati (a), Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa (a*)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang
Jalan Semarang no. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Free Body Diagrams (FBDs) is a device used to abstract force vectors in Newtonian mechanics which can provide an overview of students^ ability to perform force and vector analysis. Problem solving skills are one of the skills that are needed when identifying, determining and solving problems by using creative thinking, literacy, and logic. Previous research indicated that students had difficulties when solving problems, especially in vector and force analysis which then had a negative impact on the use of newton^s law concept. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of problem-solving ability, fbds quality, and the correlation between FBDs quality scores and problem solving ability. In this study, a descriptive quantitative method was used. The research data was obtained by providing instruments in the form of 5 FBDs essay questions and 5 problem-solving essay questions to physics students in UM who have taken the topic of particle dynamics. The research carried out produced data in the form of the average FBDs ability by students of 38.04%, the average problem solving ability of 65.14%, and the good quality of FBDs correlated with good problem solving ability with a percentage of 23%.

Keywords: Problem solving, Freebody diagrams, expert - novice, Particle dynamics

Topic: Physics Education

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