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Food Science and Technology |
ABS-57 |
Characteristics of Nutrients on Functional Bread with Additional Red Bean, Soya Bean, and Corn as Food Supplementation for Under Five Years Old Stunting Children Helmizar (a*), Putri Aulia Arza (a), Restu Sakinah (a), Susmiati (b)
(a)Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health,Andalas University, Padang, 25129, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Nursing, Andalas University, Padang, 25129, Indonesia
Stunting is a part of wider nutrition crisis found in one out of four children under five in Indonesia. functionally, the bread made from red beans, soya beans, and corn was categorized as functional bread. Functional food is contains nutritional components that are useful and effective for health such as amino acid, protein, vitamin, mineral which also supports physical growth and brain development of stunting children. The study design was True Experimence using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This study was initiated with the analysis of biochemical nutritional value at a Food technology laboratory in Andalas University. The result shows that in 100 grams of bread which contain additional flour of 30 grams red beans, 30 grams soya beand, and 20 grams corn, has nutritional value of 43,64 grams carbohydrate, 16,91 grams protein, 10,38 grams fat, and 335,6 kcal of calories.Nutrients in the bread with additional red bean, soya bean, and corn is potential as food supplementation, especially for under five years old stunting children.
Acknowledgement: We acknowledge to Andalas University who has supported the research funding.
Keywords: Functional bread- food supplementation- stunting- under five years old children
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| Corresponding Author (helmizar helmizar)
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Smart Technologies in Agricultural System |
ABS-21 |
1) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Jalan Pajajaran 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia, Telp. (0274) 486733
1)* sugeng.priyanto[at]upnyk.ac.id
An experiment of intercropping cultivation of cassava and cutcherry plants to harvest the leaves that are fertilized organically. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of organic fertilizer on the total leaf yield of each plant, the efficiency of the land area and the efficiency of the time span of its cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Wedomartani Practical Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta from September 2020 to January 2021, altitude 110 m above sea level, soil type, Regosol The research method was divided plot design with two treatments and repeated three times. The main plots consisted of organic fertilization with manure at a dose of 30 t/ha (P1), 40 t/ha (P2) and 50 t/ha (P3). The sub-plots were intercropped with a composition of 0% cassava + 100% cutcherry (K0)- 25% cassava + 100% cutcherry (S1)- 50% cassava + 100% cutcherry (S2)- 75% cassava + 100% cutcherry (S3)- and 100% cassava + 0% cutcherry (S0). The results showed that the dose of manure had no significant effect, but the intercropping pattern had a significant effect on leaf production. The highest yield of cassava leaves was in the intercropping pattern S3, although it was not significantly different from the intercropping pattern S2, while the yield of cutcherry leaves was almost the same in all intercropping patterns. The best intercropping pattern is the composition of 75% cassava + 100% cutcherry (S3).
Keywords: manure dose, intercropping pattern
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| Corresponding Author (Sugeng Priyanto)
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Smart Technologies in Agricultural System |
ABS-23 |
1Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
2Soil Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Utilization of information and communication technology in agriculture can be done using the internet of things (IoT) on soil and plants, this is done to monitor the availability of water, nutrients, soil pH and others, so that the use of water, nutrients will be more effective and efficient. This study aims to apply an Internet of Things (IoT) information system to determine soil moisture, pH and soil NPK levels in capillary irrigation and liquid organic fertilizer on mustard growth in Regosol soil. The research method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. namely liquid organic fertilizer, consisting of 4 levels: P0: No liquid organic fertilizer, P1: Liquid organic fertilizer for household waste 5 liters/ha, P2: Liquid organic fertilizer for Biduri leaves 5 liters/ha, P3: 300 kg/ha NPK fertilizer Ha. The second factor is the number of wick of capillary irrigation, consisting of 3 levels: I0: irrigation with direct irrigation, I1: capillary irrigation with 1 wick, I2: capillary irrigation with 2 wick. The results showed that the soil moisture during the growth of mustard greens was 18.55 to 22.54 percent, the more capillary wick, the higher the soil moisture, the average water requirement for mustard plant growth was 3.16 liters. The application of liquid organic fertilizer and capillary irrigation had a significant effect on soil pH, liquid organic fertilizer had a significant effect on soil NPK levels, but capillary irrigation had no significant effect on NPK levels. Treatment of liquid organic fertilizer and capillary irrigation did not significantly affect the growth of mustard plants.
Keywords: : IoT, capillary irrigation, liquid organic fertilizer, Regosol.
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| Corresponding Author (Didi Saidi)
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Smart Technologies in Agricultural System |
ABS-69 |
Design of Automatic Pest Trap using A Yellow-LED bait on Cucumber Plants Mareli Telaumbanua, Febi Riyanti Azwar, Budainto Lanya, Agus Haryanto, Febryan Kusuma Wisnu
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Cucumber is a popular plant that is much needed by Indonesian society. The demand for cucumbers tends to increase every year. In cucumber cultivation activities, the biggest challenge is pest and disease attacks. Continuous pest attack causes growth failure for cucumber plants. For this reason, technology is needed that can reduce pest attacks that damage cucumber plants. The design of the technology is an automatic pest trap that uses solar energy so that it can be placed in the field without an additional electricity supply. This study aimed to design a pest insect trapping system for cucumbers using a yellow-LED as bait. The yellow bait used was assembled using yellow LEDs. The trap system used a microcontroller integrated E18-D50NK infrared sensor and booster fan. The sensor worked to detect the presence of insects, and then the fan pushed the insects into a reservoir filled with water. Tests and observations were carried out for six days (144 hours). The results showed that there were 837 insects detected by the system, while 665 insects entered the reservoir. The number of dead insects in the reservoir was 598 insects. The average duration of falling insects by the fan was 130 seconds. The results of the calculation of the effectiveness between the insects detected and caught were 80.87%.
Keywords: Automatic pest trap, cucumber plants, Infrared sensor, microcontroller, and yellow bait
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| Corresponding Author (Mareli Telaumbanua)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-37 |
a. Department of Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, East Kutai, Indonesia
b. Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
The implementation of CSR in Indonesia is regulated in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 40 of 2007. Based on these regulations, the implementation of CSR is in line with the goal of sustainable agricultural development, namely improving the welfare of the rural population. To achieve these development goals, cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration is required- the local government, the community, the private sector, and other stakeholders. Among the sustainable development goals that can be collaborated with CSR is poverty reduction in the agricultural sector. There have been many studies on CSR disclosure in the company^s perspective, but an overview of the role of CSR implementation in agriculture in reducing farmer poverty is still limited. This study aims to (1) determine the poverty level of farmers before receiving CSR assistance, (2) estimate the poverty level of farmers after receiving CSR assistance, and (3) to determine the impact of CSR assistance on reducing farmers^ poverty levels. The poverty measurement method is based on the poverty criteria of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Headcount Index, Poverty Gap Index, and Poverty Severity Index. Meanwhile, to find out the impact of CSR assistance, it is seen through the difference in poverty levels before and after receiving CSR assistance and is tested statistically.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibbility, Farmers Poverty, Headcount Index, Poverty Gap Index, Poverty Severity Index
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| Corresponding Author (Imam Suhadi)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-38 |
The Impact of Innovation Types on MSMEs Performance: Evidence from the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia M K Ardhi, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, Irham, Hani Perwitasari
Department of Agricultural Socio Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Innovation has played a critical role as an organizational practice in driving business growth, income generation, and sustainable competitiveness, especially because of its perceived impact on the development of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector. Research on the relationship of various types of innovation to business performance continues to be studied by several researchers. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the main types of innovation, namely product and process innovation, on the performance of MSME coffee shops which are one of the potential business sectors and grow significantly in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study was conducted on 80 samples of MSME coffee shops which were selected purposively with convenience sampling technique and analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The results showed that product and process innovation had a positive and significant effect on the business performance of MSME coffee shops. This finding implies that innovation is the main pillar for coffee shop entrepreneurs to create new market opportunities, be able to survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and even be able to grow sustainably through improving the quality of products and services for customers.
Keywords: Business Performance, Coffee shop, Innovation Types, MSMEs, PLS-SEM
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| Corresponding Author (M. Khalifatul Ardhi)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-43 |
1 Master Students of Agribusiness Management, Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
2 Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Agricultural insurance is a government program that aims to reduce the level of risk of farmers^ losses in rice farming. However, in the implementation process, the number of farmers participating in this program is still very far from the target set. This is presumably due to the influence of farmers^ willingness to pay on the agricultural insurance program. This study aims: (1) to determine the amount of Willingness to Pay (WTP) of farmers on the agricultural insurance premium and (2) to analyze the factors that influence the farmers^ Willingness to Pay (WTP) on the premium of agricultural insurance. This research was conducted in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi. The study was conducted on 146 rice farmers in the April-September 2019 planting period using the cluster random sampling technique. To estimate the amount of WTP was used Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the WTP value of farmers was IDR 43,119 per cropping (IDR 36,000/ha/cropping season). Income, ownership status, and claim status are factors that have a significant effect on the WTP value of agriculture insurance premiums.
Keywords: Agriculture insurance, contingent valuation method, insurance premium, willingness to pay
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| Corresponding Author (Mirdah Aprilia Amir)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-56 |
The influence of social-economic on the risk mitigation strategy of beef cattle farmers in Banyuasin Regency, Indonesia FAA Hafiz, B Guntoro, S Andarwati, NH Qui
Department of Livestock Social Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the influence of the social economic characteristics of beef cattle farmers on the risk mitigation strategy used by beef cattle farmers in Banyuasin Regency. This study employed a descriptive method using a survey as the main strategy of data collection. The study was carried out in two disaster-prone subdistricts in Banyuasin Regency, namely Tanjung Lago and Muara Telang. The sample selection of farmer respondents used a quota, based on which there were 30 farmers from each subdistrict. Therefore, according to the simple random sampling method, 60 farmers were involved in this study. The influence of the social economic characteristics of beef cattle farmers on the risk mitigation strategy was analyzed using regression analysis logistics using the SPSS 25 program. The results showed that the average age of farmers is within the productive age. The average number of family members is four people. The longest farming experience is eight years. The number of livestock ownership of each farmer is three livestock units (LU). The average income of farmers is still below the district minimum wage. Beef cattle farmers in Banyuasin Regency tended to apply risk reduction (85%) and avoidance strategies (15%). The number of livestock owned (p<0.05) and farmers^ income in one month (p<0.10) were factors that affect farmers^ opportunities to carry out risk mitigation strategies. It could be concluded the large number of cattle tends to reduce the opportunity for farmers to carry out risk reduction strategies in conducting beef cattle business. This means that the greater the number of livestock owned, the higher the probability of farmers to avoid risk. If the number of livestock owned is increasing, the possibility of loss will also increase. Therefore, farmers tend to avoid these risks rather than reducing all potential risks.
Keywords: Banyuasin Regency, Socio-Economic Characteristics, Beef Cattle, Risk Mitigation Strategies
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| Corresponding Author (Farid Akbar Al Hafiz)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-58 |
*) Lecturer of Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture
**)Lecturer of the Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology
siti.hamidah[at]upnyk.ac.id 081328525949
Turgo Tourism Village is one of the Tourism Villages in Sleman Regency, located in a disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi, and was hit by hot clouds or ^Wedhus Gembel^ in 1994.. It is about 17 km from the government center of Sleman Regency, located on the slopes of Merapi, has interesting natural scenery with a beautiful Mount Merapi background. Some of the tourism potentials are: Merapi Forest, Ritual Tourism, the process of making coffee and tea in a traditional manner, culture and traditional arts. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, visitors have greatly decreased, let alone activity, moreover the activity of Mount Merapi often increases, so that it is increasingly rare and even almost no visitors from outside. For this reason, it is necessary (1) to identify the internal and external environmental factors of the Turgo Tourism Village, in the form of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, (2) to know alternative development strategies that can be applied. Analysis using Focus Group Discussions, Matrixs of Internal-External, SWOT and QSPM analysis, give the following results: (1) The strengths of the Turgo Tourism Village are: natural beauty, traditional culture and arts, interesting specialty drinks and food products. The weaknesses are: a disaster-prone area, and business management is individual. The opportunities are: the trend of Nature and Ritual Tourism is increasingly popular with the community, there is support from the Regional Government and Universities. While the threats that exist are: the danger of hot clouds, and quite a lot of tourist villages in the vicinity.(2) Alternative Development Strategies be applied are:(a) Improving Knowledge and Skills of Disaster Mitigation Turgo Tourism Village Managers take advantage of the support of the Local Government and Universities to Guarantee Security and Safety for visitors, (b) developing the existing potential becomes the hallmark of the Turgo Tourism Village in order to win the competition with
Keywords: Tourism Village, Disaster-Prone Areas, Internal-External Environmental factors, Development Strategy
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Hamidah)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-60 |
Factors Influencing the Consumer Purchase Decision Process for Packaged Rice Products in the Special Region of Yogyakarta : Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid, Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Rice is a strategic commodity in the Special Region of Yogyakarta because it is a staple food product. The Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta has committed to realizing food security by implementing the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with the aim of ending hunger and increasing food access. Food security of a region is seen from availability, accessibility, security and sustainability. Purchasing decisions are influenced by external and internal factors that continue to change along with changing conditions so that safe and sustainable food supply is needed. The objective of this study is to determine the factors that influence the consumer purchasing decision process for packaged rice in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The method used to analyze the consumer purchasing decision process for packaged rice products in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was likert scale assessment followed by factor analysis. The consumer purchasing decision process for packaged rice went through five stages, which were the introduction of needs, information collection, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decisions, and post-purchase. Based on the results of factor analysis, obtained four new factors which influence the decision to purchase packaged rice. The first factor is the service and accessibility factor. The second factor is the price factor and product attributes. The third factor is the internal factors of consumers and products. The fourth factor is the product promotion.
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Purchase Decision, Rice, Sustainable Development
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| Corresponding Author (Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-62 |
Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
The partnership relationship will be sustainable if the results of cooperation occur repeatedly and are mutually beneficial. This process continues until it creates a rule or norm of business relations in the pattern of partnership behavior. In this condition, the partnership relationship can be said to have been institutionalized, and will even last forever. The continuity of the partnership relationship can be determined by the values or stable positive behavior patterns of the partners. Therefore, there is a need for a study of (1) the role of each partnering party, namely PT. Agri Makmur Pertiwi, grower and Sidodadi Farmer Group, and (2) sustainability of partnership in hybrid corn seed production. The research uses qualitative methods with the type of case study research. The technique of determining the informants is done purposively. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis techniques using source and time triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that (1) The role of the company includes establishing an MoU, providing source seeds, loan for fertilizer capital costs, field supervision, quality control, mentoring, and supplying production inputs. The role of the grower is none other than ensuring the existence of land, distributing seeds, production inputs, borrowing capital costs, and maintaining plants until harvesting. Meanwhile, the role of the Sidodadi Farmers Group is to provide land, collect farmer data, manage seeds, and care for harvesting. (2) The partnership program can continue with several conditions from several parties, namely from the Sidodadi Farmer Group requesting that prices at the farmer level be increased, while from the grower requesting that the supply of pesticides and medicines not be late, while the company requests that corn seeds produced by the provisions of the company.
Keywords: The Role of Partnership Actors, Partnership Sustainability, Hybrid Corn Seed Production
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| Corresponding Author (Wendy Dimas Cahyadi)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-73 |
[1]Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[2]Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[3]Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Robusta coffee is grown on Mount Arjuna, Welirang, and Bromo in East Java can get legal protection as a geographical indication. This study analyzes the need for Robusta coffee to get legal protection as a Geographical Indication to maintain coffee quality. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques consisting of interviews, observations, and documentation. The researchers selected these respondents according to the categories studied and had coffee plantations on Mount Arjuna, Welirang, and Bromo. The results showed that coffee is grown on Mount Arjuna, Welirang, and Bromo deserves to be registered for Geographical Indications. The average coffee beans produced have a physical quality of Quality 1 and Quality 2. The taste of coffee with the resulting aroma is caramelly and spicy.
Keywords: Robusta Coffee, A Geographical Indication, Coffee Quality
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| Corresponding Author (Ari Wijayani)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-79 |
Development Strategies for Palm Sugar Attributes Products : Competitive Products Towards the Sustainable Development Goals Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi 1), Marosimy Millaty2), Meita Puspa Dewi2)
1) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
2) Univeristas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta
Palm sugar products are sugar products that are mostly produced by a farmer and MSMEs. The creative and innovative concept of palm sugar products can be done by developing product innovation, packaging, and product handling (marketing). The development of palm sugar products according to consumer preferences can be used as an effort to develop superior agribusiness products with competitiveness towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aspect of sustainable development is economic sustainability created from the growth of the community^s economic sector from on-farm and off-farm. This study aims to analyze consumer preferences and analyze the strategy of developing ant palm sugar product attributes. The research location was taken by purposive sampling in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with a number of respondents as many as 80 people (voluntary sampling technique). The data analysis method used is the multi-attribute Fishbein and Important Performance Analysis Matrix. The results showed that consumer preferences for palm sugar products were seen from the health benefits, durability, cleanliness, and halal. The strategy for developing rice product attributes is to improve the performance of product attributes to provide customer satisfaction, namely the attribute of innovation in the content of spices and the ease of product access.
Keywords: consumer, DIY, customers, preference, strategy
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| Corresponding Author (Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-82 |
Optimization of the use of Vannamei Shrimp production factors in the Agromijil farmer group, Purworejo Regency Agus Santosa 1, Siti Hamidah 1 and Rois Manudin 2
1 Lecturer of Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture
2 Student of Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture
Agussantosa110870[at]gmail.com, 081392581473
This research was conducted at the Agromijil Farmer Group, Purworejo Regency. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the effect of production factors and (2) to analyze the optimization of the use of Vannamei shrimp production factors..The basic method of research used is descriptive method. The research method used was survey method and the research location was determined by using the purposive method. The sampling method was simple random sampling using the Slovin formula with a sample size of 43 farmers from total population of 70 farmers. Kinds of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods used by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used is the Regression analysis of the Cobb-Douglas production function and optimization analysis. Based on the research results, it was found that 1) production factors in the form of pond area, number of fry, feed, probiotics, calcium, and labor affected the production of vannamei shrimp in agromijil farmer groups- and 2) production factors, the pond area, amount of fry, feed, probiotics, calcium, labor is not optimal.
Keywords: Production, Factor of Production, Optimization, Vannamei Schrimp
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Hamidah)
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Social and Economic in Agriculture |
ABS-84 |
Response Analysis of Tobacco Supply in Indonesia Antik Suprihanti
UPN Veteran, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email korespondensi: antik.s[at]upnyk.ac.id
Tobacco is one of important commodities in Indonesia. The control of tobacco and less incentives on tobacco production has caused tobacco production is growing slowly. It impact on income and welfare of tobacco farmers will decrease. Object of this research are to analyze factors that influence tobacco supply in terms of area cultivated and quantity of tobacco production, also to analyze tobacco supply response of factors influenced. Method of the research used descriptive method which using time series secondary data for 30 years from 1990 to 2019. Data are taken from institutions and literatures. Analysis method used partial distributed lag Nerlove^s model that is popular in supply response studies which used Ordinary Least Square. Results of this research indicated that tobacco supply in Indonesia response to the wage of labour, planted area, and trend of technology.
Keywords: supply response, area planted, production, tobacco
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| Corresponding Author (Antik Suprihanti)
46 |
Soil and Water management |
ABS-30 |
Effectiveness of K-fertilizer residue on various of soil water available on growth, soil properties and yield of soybeans in Inceptisols N Nurlaeny1*, D Herdiyantoro1, S T Laili1, M P Shafira1, A P Cahya1, H N Baihera1, S Mulyani1 and R M Putra2
1 Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Raya Bandung - Sumedang Km. 21 Jatinangor 45363 phone: (+62) 227796316- Fax: (+62) 22 7796316 West Java - Indonesia
2 Department of Agronomy, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Raya Bandung - Sumedang Km. 21 Jatinangor 45363 phone: (+62) 227796316- Fax: (+62) 22 7796316 West Java - Indonesia
The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of K-fertilizer residue on various percentages of soil water availability on growth, soil exchangeable-K, K-uptake and yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) cv. Anjasmoro in Inceptisols. This research was conducted in a controlled plastic house laboratory, Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran. Randomized Complete Block Design was used in this experiment. The first factor was soil K-fertilizer residue with four levels (k0 control, k1 1x, k2 1,25x, and k3 residue of 1,5x of recommended doses, respectively) and the second factor was percentage of soil available water with four levels (w1 = 100% w2 = 80% w3 = 60% and w4 = 40% available water, respectively). The results showed that residue of 1,5x recommended dose of K-fertilizer on 100% water available significantly affected growth components (plant height, number of leaves, plant dry weight) and plant K-uptake at 4-6 weeks after plant. Independently, higher soil exchangeable-K was found on control. Higher yield component (weight of 100 seeds) was produced by residue of 1,5x recommended dose of K-fertilizer on 100% soil water available. Compared to control, however, residue of 1-1,25x recommended doses of K-fertilizer were still effective in providing soybean yields (0.93 - 1.40%).
Keywords: K-fertilizer residue, soil available water, soil properties, soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr)
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| Corresponding Author (NENNY NURLAENY)
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Soil and Water management |
ABS-40 |
The effects of canal blocking on hydrological restoration and natural regeneration in degraded peat swamp forest post-forest fires in Central Kalimantan David Suwito (1), Suratman (2), and Erny Poedjirahajoe (3)
1 Doctoral Program on Environmental Science Gadjah Mada University
2 Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University
3 Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University
Tropical peat swamp forest is one of the wetland ecosystems on tropical peatlands with many ecological, economic, and socio-cultural functions. In Indonesia, the peat swamp forest ecosystems have been experiencing deforestation and degradation due to land clearing for plantations and agriculture and forest fires. In Central Kalimantan, especially in the ex-area of the 100 million hectares mega rice project in the 1990s, hydrological restoration is carried out by blocking the canals. We compared the three methods of canal blocking and the areas without canal blocking and the community^s preference on what form of canal blocking is more beneficial for them. Large canal blocking, medium canal blocking, and small canal blocking have positively affected the groundwater level in the driest month above the fire-prone critical point. In contrast, the locations without blocking exceed the critical fire-prone water level. Small, large, and medium blocking are equally capable of optimizing the peat soil water table. However, the local communities prefer small blocking over other methods because it is simple, labor-intensive, and improves their livelihood when involved in its construction. The local communities choose the big canal blockings less because they block transportation access in and out of the peat swamp forest.
Keywords: Restorasion, Peat swamp forest, hydrology, canal blocking, restoration
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| Corresponding Author (David Suwito)
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Soil and Water management |
ABS-66 |
1Faculty of Agriculture, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia-
2Office of Extension Servie, Metro, Lampung, Indonesia-
3Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
*E-mail: ali.munawar[at]upnyk.ac.id
Small scale gold mines have been taking place in many parts of Indonesia. Despite their significant contribution to the total world gold production, they have been raising environmental problems. The problems have been associated with the use of mercury (Hg) in the amalgamation to separate the gold from the ores. This process produces mercury-containing slurries discharged to surrounding streams, potentially creating water pollution. If the water is used for irrigation to surrounding rice fields, some mercury may stay in streambed and accumulate in irrigated soils and enters the food chain, including human consumption. This research was aimed to assess pollution potential in stream water and rice fields around small scale mines in Lebong District, Bengkulu Province. This research was started from November to December 2018. It consisted of field activites and laboratory analysis. Field activities included collecting 9 water samples, 6 streambed samples, 3 soil samples, and 3 plant samples in different locations. Laboratory activities were carried out at the Soil Science Laboratory, University of Bengkulu and the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The results showed that all water, streambed sediment, soil and water samples contained mercury and their concentrations exceeded the threshold values. The highest total Hg for all samples was 0.044 ppm in water, 58.19 ppm in streambed, 15.44 ppm in soil, and 16.85 ppm in rice plants.
Keywords: mercury pollution, small scle gold mines, streambed, agricultura land
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| Corresponding Author (Ali Munawar)
49 |
Soil and Water management |
ABS-70 |
Potential Of Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata) And Cow Manure For Available Phospor Supply On Sandy Beach Soil And P Uptake By Onion (Allium cepa L.) Lelanti Peniwiratri and Dyah Arbiwati
Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Email : lelanti[at]yahoo.com
The low availability of phosphorus nutrients for onion plants resulted in disruption of the plant growth process such as blocking the extension of the root causing the uptake of nutrients decreased. This research was conducted to know role of Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata) and cow manure for available phosphor of Sandy Beach Soil and P uptake by onion.. The research method used was the Completely Randomized Design Method of 15 treatments, namely the mixture treatment of cow manure (S) and kirinyuh (K) at 10, 20 and 30 tons/ha equivalent doses. The treatment was without cow manure and kirinyuh (P0), equivalent dose of 10 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P1), S K = 75 25 (P2), S K = 50 50 (P3), S K = 25 75 (P4), S K = 0 100 (P5), equivalent dose of 20 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P6), S K = 75 25 (P7), S K = 50 50 (P8), S K = 25 75 (P9) S K = 0 100 (P10), and equivalent dose of 30 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P11), S K = 75 25 (P12), S K = 50 50 (P13), S K = 25 75 (P14), S K = 0 100 (P15). Each treatment was repeated 3 (three) times. The results were analyzed by variance at 5% significant level and tested further with Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level if there was a significant influence. The results showed that the mixture of cow manure and kirinyuh were able to increase P available of sandy beach soil and P uptake of onion. Giving a mixture of cow manure (S) 25% and kirinyuh (K) 75% at the equivalent dosage of 30 tons/ha significantly gave the hightest of P available of sandy beach soil and P uptake of onion.
Keywords: Phosphor, sandybeach, onion, manure, kirinyuh
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| Corresponding Author (Lelanti Peniwiratri)
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Soil and Water management |
ABS-81 |
The coastal areas of Samas and Pandansari beaches are areas that are widely used for the agricultural sector, but also have very large limiting factors such as high water passability and low water storage capacity. The most important factor in agricultural land in coastal areas is groundwater resources for irrigation. This study aims to assess the qualitative and quantitative potential of groundwater resources in coastal agricultural lands on Samas Beach and Pandansari Beach and determine the quality of irrigation water according to the US Salinity Lab Staff, 1954. The method used in this research is survey, and purposive sampling based on the division of the radius of 100 areas. m, 300 m, 500 m, and 700 m from the shoreline. The coastal areas of Samas Beach and Pandansari Beach have an average SAR value of 2.1949 mg/L, an average RSC value of 0.5453 mg/L, and an average DHL value of 462.833. The highest SAR value of 6.7764 mg/L at TS 12 is at a radius of 700 m from the shoreline, the highest RSC value is 1.7888 mg/L at TS 5 at a radius of 300m from the shoreline, and the highest DHL value is 820 S/cm at TS 12 is located at a radius of 700 m from the coastline. The average groundwater level is 3,682 m in moderate condition. Groundwater flow patterns move towards locations that have a deeper groundwater table. Assessment of irrigation water quality according to the USSL diagram of 12 samples, 11 samples were in the C2-S1 classification and 1 sample was in the C3-S1 classification.
Keywords: Keywords: Salinity, irrigation water quality, groundwater table depth, groundwater flow
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Ahmad Abidin)
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