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Potential Of Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata) And Cow Manure For Available Phospor Supply On Sandy Beach Soil And P Uptake By Onion (Allium cepa L.)
Lelanti Peniwiratri and Dyah Arbiwati

Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Email : lelanti[at]yahoo.com


The low availability of phosphorus nutrients for onion plants resulted in disruption of the plant growth process such as blocking the extension of the root causing the uptake of nutrients decreased. This research was conducted to know role of Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata) and cow manure for available phosphor of Sandy Beach Soil and P uptake by onion.. The research method used was the Completely Randomized Design Method of 15 treatments, namely the mixture treatment of cow manure (S) and kirinyuh (K) at 10, 20 and 30 tons/ha equivalent doses. The treatment was without cow manure and kirinyuh (P0), equivalent dose of 10 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P1), S K = 75 25 (P2), S K = 50 50 (P3), S K = 25 75 (P4), S K = 0 100 (P5), equivalent dose of 20 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P6), S K = 75 25 (P7), S K = 50 50 (P8), S K = 25 75 (P9) S K = 0 100 (P10), and equivalent dose of 30 tons/ha S K = 100 0 (P11), S K = 75 25 (P12), S K = 50 50 (P13), S K = 25 75 (P14), S K = 0 100 (P15). Each treatment was repeated 3 (three) times. The results were analyzed by variance at 5% significant level and tested further with Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level if there was a significant influence. The results showed that the mixture of cow manure and kirinyuh were able to increase P available of sandy beach soil and P uptake of onion. Giving a mixture of cow manure (S) 25% and kirinyuh (K) 75% at the equivalent dosage of 30 tons/ha significantly gave the hightest of P available of sandy beach soil and P uptake of onion.

Keywords: Phosphor, sandybeach, onion, manure, kirinyuh

Topic: Soil and Water management

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