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Novrido Charibaldi1 and Didi Saidi2

1Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
2Soil Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Utilization of information and communication technology in agriculture can be done using the internet of things (IoT) on soil and plants, this is done to monitor the availability of water, nutrients, soil pH and others, so that the use of water, nutrients will be more effective and efficient. This study aims to apply an Internet of Things (IoT) information system to determine soil moisture, pH and soil NPK levels in capillary irrigation and liquid organic fertilizer on mustard growth in Regosol soil. The research method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. namely liquid organic fertilizer, consisting of 4 levels: P0: No liquid organic fertilizer, P1: Liquid organic fertilizer for household waste 5 liters/ha, P2: Liquid organic fertilizer for Biduri leaves 5 liters/ha, P3: 300 kg/ha NPK fertilizer Ha. The second factor is the number of wick of capillary irrigation, consisting of 3 levels: I0: irrigation with direct irrigation, I1: capillary irrigation with 1 wick, I2: capillary irrigation with 2 wick. The results showed that the soil moisture during the growth of mustard greens was 18.55 to 22.54 percent, the more capillary wick, the higher the soil moisture, the average water requirement for mustard plant growth was 3.16 liters. The application of liquid organic fertilizer and capillary irrigation had a significant effect on soil pH, liquid organic fertilizer had a significant effect on soil NPK levels, but capillary irrigation had no significant effect on NPK levels. Treatment of liquid organic fertilizer and capillary irrigation did not significantly affect the growth of mustard plants.

Keywords: : IoT, capillary irrigation, liquid organic fertilizer, Regosol.

Topic: Smart Technologies in Agricultural System

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