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Preliminary Study of Increasing Added Value in Basalt Rocks as Raw Material for Making Basalt Fiber (Fibre Basalt Reinforced Composite) in Bandung Region
Yuliadi, Zaenal, Elfida Moralista, Noufal Abhinaya, Maya Almaniar Zulhi Wibiyana

Mining Engineering Program Study, Engineering Faculty, Bandung Islamic University Jl. Tamansari 25-26 Bandung 40116 Indonesia


West Java has a wealth of mining materials as a result of volcanic activities including andesite and basalt. The mining material is generally conventionally used only for building materials (construction) in the field of Civil Engineering which are still in the form of ^raw materials^ or ^semi-finished^. The management of this mining material is carried out with simple nisbi and the selling value is low nisbi. In this initial study, it aims to see the characteristics of basalt rocks at 3 locations in the Bandung region (Gunung Bohong, Cipatik and Batu Templek) including chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties and mineral composition.
The research methodology was carried out with a comprehensive method on three characteristics of rocks that can be used as basalt fibers, namely chemical composition (Al2O3 and SiO2) with the XRF method, testing physical (density) and mechanical properties (tensile strength and Elastic Modulus) as well as mineral composition by petrography analysis method by looking at the presence of plagioclase minerals.
Based on general chemical analysis of the three sample studied are included in the criteria for basalt rocks that can be used for the manufacture of basalt fibers, but in these samples there are chemical compounds that do not enter the parameters, namely fe2O3 + FeO and MgO compounds. For testing the physical properties that are included in the criteria for making basalt fibers, namely in samples Cipatik and Batu Templek. Meanwhile, in testing mechanical properties that are included in the criteria are samples of Gunung Bohong and Cipatik. Furthermore, for petrography testing, it was concluded that the chemical composition in the three samples studied contained plagioclase minerals by 100% thus it can be indicated that the type of rock is basalt rock - andesite.

Keywords: Basalt Rocks, Rock Characteristics, Basalt Fibers

Topic: Material Engineering

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