Thermoluminescence Properties of CaSO4:Dy Synthesized by Wet Chemical Synthesis Route with pH Adjustment
Muhammad Ilham Bayquni- Dian Adi Prastowo- Nunung Nuraeni- Irvan Dwi Junianto- Anissa Isnaini- Melly Risky- Dewi Kartikasari- Juan Carlos Sihotang

National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


The crystal of dysprosium doped CaSO4 is preferable for personal radiation dosimetry application due to its sensitive response to low dose radiation. A simple wet chemical synthesis route was carried out at pH 5 to obtain the crystal with the addition of ammonia. This study was conducted as preliminary work to analyze the properties of the obtained CaSO4 based thermoluminescent crystal. A high concentration of anhydrite was found as the major phase of the base material from XRD measurement. The elemental composition of the crystal was measured using XRF and compared to the experimental calculation. Particles with elongated prismatic morphology were observed using SEM with a magnification of 2,000x. The elemental composition of the specific area of the BSD image was analyzed using EDS points. The thermoluminescence properties of the crystal were analyzed using the Harshaw 3500 TLD reader after a low dose strontium 90 beta irradiation. The powder exhibited the most dominant glow peak near 230 oC with a high intensity of total luminescence, indicating a good response sensitivity and uniformity to the ionizing beta radiation.

Keywords: Thermoluminescence- CaSO4- wet chemical synthesis- heat treatment- phase identification- dosimetry

Topic: Material Engineering

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