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The Capacity of Extension Workers and Demonstration Methods to Farmers^ Behavior in Utilizing Yards with Vertical Vegetable Cultivation
Oeng Anwarudin, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Pandu Danar Raharjo

Department of Agriculture, Manokwari Agricultural Development Polytechnic


Agricultural extension activities have been carried out to encourage the use of the yard. To deal with the narrowness of the yard, a vertical vegetable cultivation technique has been used. The demonstration extension method has been chosen to set an example and encourage changes in farmer behavior in the use of yards. This study aims to analyze the behavior descriptively and analyze the effect of the capacity of the extension agent and the demonstration extension method on the behavior of the use of the yard with the technique of verticulture vegetable cultivation. The study was conducted in Pangandaran, Indonesia from April to August 2020. The sample used was 60 people who were determined using the cluster random sampling technique. The independent variables of the study were individual characteristics, capacity of extension workers and demonstration extension methods. The dependent variable is behavior that includes knowledge, skills and attitudes of farmers in the use of yards with vertical vegetable cultivation techniques. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis, paired sample t-test, and multiple linear regression. The results showed that there had been an increase in farmer behavior between before and after the implementation of the extension. The capacity of the extension agent and the demonstration extension method were effective in increasing the behavior of the use of the yard for verticulture cultivation of vegetables in terms of indicators of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Farmers^ age and education, capacity of extension agents and demonstration extension methods have a significant influence on farmers^ behavior in cultivating vegetables using vertical techniques. Utilization of home yards for vertical vegetable cultivation can be increased through strengthening the capacity of extension workers and demonstration extension methods.

Keywords: Extension Workers Capacity, Demonstration Method, Yard Utilization, Verticulture

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

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