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A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Future Health Benefit
Adriyanita Adin, Rohim Firdaus, Haerudin, Fatkhu Rokhman, Asep Harpenas (1)

(1) PT East West Seed Indonesia


With annually 145,000 ha cultivated area, shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum Backer) is widely used in Indonesian daily cuisine and therefore an important crop for farmers and consumers in Indonesia. Traditionally, farmers use bulbs of their own crop as planting material, or they buy local, or imported bulbs from the market. Yield reduction after years using planting bulbs has been highlighted. Alternatively, True Shallot Seed (TSS) has many advantages to offer as Lower Costs of planting material (not bulky, easy transported), Higher Yield (genetic and by reduction of diseases), and Better Quality (uniform product, longer seed shelf life).
Through out more than 30 years, a review from angel of active breeding process, seed availability effort, and introduction new cultivation technique are explained, not mention nutritious compound that holds by shallot that serve for the health benefit of human body called quercetin. This compound has functions as antihypertensive substances and helps maintain heart health.
Overview of milestone in delivering the first TSS Varieties in Indonesia, seed availability, and introduction TSS cultivation technique for Indonesian shallot farmers together with future health benefit are described to have further improvement.

Keywords: TSS, Breeding, Seed Availability, Cultivation Technique, Quercetin

Topic: Hunger and Malnutrition

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