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SUPPLY CHAIN FOR HORTICULTURAL AGRIBUSNESS: With Reference to Indonesian Potato Industry *)
Arifin Tasrif, Harniati, and Nazaruddin

Study Program for Horticultural Agribusiness,
Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic
Jalan Suria laga No. 1 Cibalagung, Bogor, Jawa Barat


The government^s alignment has not been optimally in encouraging the development of the domestic processed potato seed industry. Thus, processed potato seeds have to be imported from overseas annually. The method used to support this study is by analyzing the statistical imported industrial processed potatoes, references the related issue of the domestic industrial potato supply chain, and interviews to domestic processed potato players. The supply chain for continuous production of processed potato seeds (GO, G1, and G2) requires major investment such as the development of certified processed potato seeds, tissue culture laboratory, smart glasshouse, dedicated cold storage, cold chain logistic facilities, and smart field potato productions. In addition, strengthens partnerships with Farmer^s Groups and Small Medium Enterprises (SME^s) for potato productions could be fulfilled domestically, thus the dependence on imported processed potatoes can be reduced gradually. To ensure that the supply chain of the processed potato industry could develop, the intervention of the government and local governments is required. Regulatory umbrellas are necessary for the development of the processed potato seed industry as well as local government regulations that must favor the domestic processed potato seed industry and investment.

Keywords: Keyword: Supply chain, agribusiness, seed potato, industry

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Arifin TASRIF)

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