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Study of the use of True Shallot Seed ( TSS) that have been stored for 2 years and their production in the Sibolangit farmer group, North Sumatra
Sortha Simatupang , Tumpal Sipahutar , Imelda Marpaung dan Evawati Sri Ulina

BPTP Sumatera Utara, Kementan RI


The purpose of this study: To determine the decrease in vigor of seeds from the botanical seeds of shallots after being stored for 1 and 2 years, and the productivity of the consumable tubers produced.
This research was conducted in January - July 2020. The germination research was conducted at AIAT North Sumatra Medan. The study used a non-factorial completely randomized design with 10 replications. The treatments are: seed storage, namely:
S1) in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic + silica gel, stored for 2 years- S2: in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic, in a sealed can + silica gel, stored for 2 years S3): in an air-conditioned room, in Al foil, stored for 2 years- S4: in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic without silica gel, stored for 1 year- S5) control: new harvest
Seeds that grew normally from each treatment were planted in the field as planting material for the production of bulbs for consumption of shallots. The location is on the land of the Arih Ersada farmer group in Sibolangit Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.
The results showed: The best treatment was storing the seeds in plastic in cans that were given silica gel and stored in the refrigerator. In this treatment the decrease in germination was lowest compared to other treatments. Field tests did not show any difference in plant vigor. The productivity produced by farmers from the treatment of stored seeds reached 15 t/ha, and there was no difference in storage treatment for storage time, packaging and storage. Production costs increase due to additional costs of purchasing seeds due to decreased normal germination. This means that the seeds are still suitable for use.

Keywords: Seeds, shallots, storage, productivity

Topic: Food and Nutrition Security

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