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Resistance Test of Six Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
Awang Maharijaya1,2*, Devi Oktavia1 , Giyanto 3 , Heri Harti2 , Kusuma Darma2

1Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture,
IPB University
Jl. Meranti, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
* awang.maharijaya[at]
2Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies, IPB University
Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Jl. Pajajaran, Bogor 16127, Indonesia
3Departement of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


Proper testing parameters of eggplant resistance to bacterial wilt in the
greenhouse are needed for efficient and effective development of resistant
eggplant varieties in order to increase eggplant fruit productivity and
quality. This research aims to obtain the most accurate observed resistance
testing parameters in greenhouse which also represent field test response
and to obtain genotypes that resistant and have similar productivity with
commercial variety from the test. This research was conducted at
Cikabayan greenhouse with artificial inoculation (puncture method) and
on Leuwikopo research station (180 m asl). A randomized complete block
design single factor was randomized to 3 replications. The treatment
factors were genotypes consisting of 4 genotypes belonging to PKHT and
2 commercial varieties. The result showed that the eggplant bacterial wilt
disease resistance response through inoculation method in the greenhouse
were significantly correlated with field test response. The best and most
accurate observed parameters in greenhouses is bacterial colonization
level. Resistance test showed that PKHT-80 and MUSTANG is resistant
to bacterial wilt disease while PKHT-90 and PRINCE F1 are quite
resistance. Growth and development of all six genotypes generally not
significantly different. PKHT-80 is resistant and has high productivity on
land that could compete commercial varieties.

Keywords: Bacterial wilt disease, Correlation, Eggplant, Genotype, Parameter, Resistance

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Kusuma Darma)

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