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^Proliga Technology^ for Red Chili in The Rice Fields, Jambi Province
Desi Hernita1}, Lutfi Izhar1}, Rustam1}, Milda Erizanti1}, Bagus Kukuh Udianto2), Suci Primilestari1} and Eva Salvia1}

1}Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology of Jambi, Indonesia
2}Vegetable Crops Research Institute, West Java, Indonesia


This study was conducted in Rawa Medang Village, Batang Asam District, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency from May to September 2020. The aimed of study was to study the proliga technology for red chili in the rice fields, Jambi Province. Chilli was planted after rice cultivation (crop rotation) and located in rice production areas. Research was involving two co-operator farmers with 0.5 ha areas. The varieties used in this study are local variety and Kencana Variety. The experimental designed used Paired Treatment Comparison with 2 treatments: proliga technology and conventional technology. Proliga technology packages applied at the study site such as healthy seedlings method, zig-zag 2:1 planting patterns, corn border, weekly crop nutrient provided, and humic acid application. The results showed that proliga technology increased the percentage of seedlings growing by 95-99% and showed significance difference^s in the number of branches, the number of flowers, as well as extending the harvest time.

Keywords: Proliga, varieties, red chilies

Topic: Food and Nutrition Security

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