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Metabolite Profiling and Antioxidant Activity of Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Leaf Extract Based on Different Drying Method
Safirah Zam Astari (a), Eti Rohaeti (a), Mohamad Rafi (a)

a) IPB University, Jl. Raya Dramaga Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680 West Java, Indonesia


Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) is a wild plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Different drying processes can affected different composition and concentration of phytochemical compounds and the antioxidant activity of tempuyung leaves. This study aims to determine the metabolite profile and antioxidant activity of tempuyung leaves based on different drying methods using LC-MS/MS and FTIR. This research was conducted by maceration extraction on tempuyung leaves using ethanol p.a. The yields obtained on oven, sun, and air drying are 11.35, 9.01, and 7.08 respectively. The antioxidant activity was determined using DPPH method and the % inhibition at the extract concentration of 100 ppm by drying in the oven, sun, and air are 48.36%- 45.90%- and 42.45%, respectively . Then an analysis was carried out using LC-MS/MS and FTIR to obtain data in the form of chromatograms and the spectrum of metabolites contained in each extract. There were similar patterns but different intensities indicating differences in the concentration of metabolites in each extract. The data was then processed by multivariate principal component analysis (PCA), with the results of the tempuyung leaves extract grouped based on the drying method. The classification of tempuyung leaf extract based on different drying methods with FTIR, base peak chromatogram on LC-MS/MS, and confirmed compounds on LC-MS/MS resulted in a score plot PCA with the number of PCs being 100%, 52%, and 86%, respectively.

Keywords: FTIR- LC-MS/MS- metabolite- PCA- Sonchus arvensis

Topic: Analytical Chemistry

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