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Ainun eva mawarni 1, Christina aprilia 1, Putri rafika sonia 1, Dwiana sasi utami. 1, Nurul fitri novianti 1, Irbah krisfidyani. 1, Fairouz ananda nissa 1, Ajeng septiani dewi 1, Dr. Nila Tanyela B1.

a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty Of Science and Computer, Universitas Pertamina
Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, 12220, Indonesia
* nila.tanyela[at]universitaspertamina.ac.id


The depletion of the ozone layer is related to the increase in the intensity of UV rays entering the earth. The benefit of UV rays is that it helps the formation of vitamin D in the body. However, excessive UV rays can cause health problems, especially for the skin. These dangers include darkening of the skin color, premature aging, and even the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, various cosmetic products began to be developed to avoid problems caused by exposure to UV rays. Efforts that can be made to protect the skin from the dangers of UV rays are to avoid excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen or antioxidant-rich serum on the skin. Serum in the world of dermatology is a term used to describe liquids with high concentrations and generally contain specific active ingredients, such as antioxidants. Antioxidants can work to slow down oxidation reactions in the body. Antioxidants are needed by the body, so it is necessary to find antioxidant compounds that are easily obtained in nature. Vitamin C (Vit. C) is one of the most common sources of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C has two isomeric forms, namely the reduced form (L-ascorbic acid/LAA) and the oxidized form (d-ascorbic acid/DAA). However, only LAA is biologically active so it is often used in the medical field. The human body cannot synthesize vitamin C, so to obtain vitamin. C needs vitamin C nutrition from outside the body. Based on this description, we will conduct research on the synthesis of vitamin C serum and its effect on the skin. The density test for vitamin C serum samples was carried out using a pycnometer with a value of 0.997 g/cm3-1.0093 g/cm3. Testing the Acidity Level of Vitamin C Serum Samples according to the ASTM E70 standard method. Data for serum vitamin C pH ranged from 2.64 to 3.00.

Keywords: ultraviolet light, serum vitamin C, density levels, serum vitamin C pH.

Topic: Environmental Chemistry and Engineering

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ana Lailatul Farida)

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