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Antiphytopathogenic agent production in low-cost soy whey and molasses by Streptomyces malaysiensis TT41 and its optimization
Desak Gede Sri Andayani a*, Ajeng Arum Sari a, Desak Gede Tirta Andini a, Novik Nurhidayat b, Rima Sofiani c, Novriyanti Lubis c

a Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Komplek BRIN Cisitu Bandung, Indonesia
b Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, 16911, Indonesia
c Faculty of Pharmacy, Garut University, Garut 44151, Indonesia


Soy whey was used as a source of protein substrate in submerged fermentation to produce anti-phytopathogens. The substrate used in this study was collected from the tofu industry. In this present investigation, we have demonstrated the antiphytopathogenic activity of Streptomyces malaysiensis TT41 against phytopathogens. The antiphytopathogenic agent produced by Streptomyces malaysiensis TT41 was characterized by antifungal activity. Furthermore, the optimization of antiphytopathogenic production was conducted through response surface methodology in Submerged Fermentation. The results showed that the antiphytopathogenic produced by S.malaysiensis TT41 had the highest activity against phytopathogen with 33 mm zone of inhibition on three important factors, namely soy whey, molasses, and pH through the response surface method for antiphytopathogenic production using S.malaysiensis TT41. The optimized conditions are the ratio of soy whey, molasses, and a pH of 0.29 g, 79.78 ml, and 8.04, respectively. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of anti phytopathogenic agents showed total phenol, flavonoid, MIC, MFC, and IC50 were 1.495 mg GAE/g SF, 0.5383 mg QE/g SF, 125 ppm, 250 ppm, and 73,9 ppm, respectively. Analysis using FTIR showed the presence of functional groups to form phenolic and flavonoid compounds. The optimizing the parameters of the fermentation process by RSM, it can enhance the antiphytopathogenic activity.

Keywords: S. malaysiensis TT41, response surface methodology, optimization, submerged fermentation, soy whey, antiphytopathogen agents.

Topic: Natural Products and Biological Chemistry

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