Analysis of Corrotion Rate and Hardness in Low Carbon Steel Coated With Electrodepositionally Shynthesized PAni-TiO2 Composite Material Eka Sulistyaningsih, Nidia Lestari, Muhammad Yusuf
Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND
In the industrial world, the use of carbon steel has been widely used. Corrosion of carbon steel is something that cannot be avoided, so many studies have been carried out to overcome corrosion. One of the efforts to overcome corrosion is by coating. In this study, low carbon steel coating was carried out by combining TiO2 and polyaniline (PAni) which was carried out by electrodeposition. Carbon steel plate that has been coated is corroded by immersing it in an acid and salt medium. After corrosion, the plate is tested for hardness. The plate without inhibitor has a hardness value of 131 kg/mm2, while the plate with the highest hardness value is a plate coated with PAni 10-1 M and TiO2 10-4 M at 336 kg/mm2. Based on visual observation, the corrosion that occurs is uniform corrosion.