STYLOTELLA sp. ACETONE EXTRACT OF SELAYAR ISLAND AND ITS ACTIVITY AGAINST BREAST CANCER CELLS MCF-7 Firnanelty1 Asriani Ilyas2 Awaluddin3 Aisyah4 Andi Nur Fitriani Abubakar5 Aisyah Rusdin6
1234) Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Jalan HM Yasin Limpo.36 Samata-Gowa Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia 92113
5) Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba Jalan Ir. Soekarno No. 9 Kec. Ujung Bulu Kab. Bulukumba Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia
6) Department of Chemistry Institut Sains dan Kesehatan Bone Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Bone, Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia
Stylotella sp. Is one of type sponge who come from Halichondriidae family have great potential in developing marine pharmaceutical industry since they are capable of synthesizing numerous bioactive metabolite compounds. It has potential as a drug in the future, anticancer. This study aims to determine the types of secondary metabolites in Stylotella sp. from Selayar Island and find out the bioactivity of secondary metabolites against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The method used extraction with acetone solvent, fractionation and purification. The purity test was carried out by testing three eluent systems at TLC, namely eluent chloroform: ethyl acetate (9: 1), n-hexane eluent: acetone (8: 2), eluent chloroform: acetone (9: 1). Then qualitative tested and characterized by FTIR spectrophotometer. The result showed that pure isolate from acetone extract contained alkaloid compound. The activity test against MCF-7 cells used anti-proliferation assay. Cisplatin have used as positive control. Result of anti-proliferation showed \( IC_{50} \) value for acetone extract \( 14978.50 \mu g / mL \) which means that it was not toxic.
Keywords: Stylotella sp, alkaloid, Breast Cancer cells, MCF-7, IC50