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Mouthwash Basil Leaves Essential Oil
Hernandi Sujono*, Valentina Adimurti Kusumaningtyas, Rizki Oktafiyani

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani


This study aims to formulate essential oil of basil leaves (Ocimum basillicum L.) into mouthwash dosage form and to test its physical stability. Basil essential oil was obtained by using the steam-water distillation method. The method of making mouthwash used is micellar solubilization. Mouthwash was made in five formulas, namely F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 with a volume of 0.5 mL, 1 mL, 1.5 mL, 2 mL, and 2.5 mL of basil essential oil. Then the physical evaluation includes centrifugation test, organoleptic test, and GC-MS test. The results showed that there were five main compounds in the essential oil of basil leaves, namely citronella, z-citral, cis-3-hexenyl lactate, beta-elemene and bicyclogermacrene. Mouthwash F1, and F2 were stable stored at 27&#730-C because after 4 weeks of storage they had the characteristics of light green color, characteristic basil aroma, quite spicy taste and no separation after being tested by centrifugation, in contrast to mouthwash F3, F4, and F5 at At 27&#730-C the color changes from light green to turquoise green. Of the five formulas that can be used as mouthwash formulations, F1, with a ratio of essential oils, tween 80 and glycerin = 0.5 mL : 3.75 mL : 1.25 mL. Has a stable characterization during storage with a taste that is not too spicy so it is comfortable when used.

Keywords: Basil leaves- essential oil- mouthwash- Ocimum basillicum L.- steam-water distillation

Topic: Natural Products and Biological Chemistry

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