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Adsorbent Synthesis from Albizia Wood (Albizia chinensis) for Heavy Metal Adsorbents in Various Industrial Waste Water Pollutants.
Yulia Sukmawardani, Siti Jualiah, Pina Pitriana, Cucu Zenab Subarkah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


This study aims to synthesize adsorbents from various natural materials for heavy metal adsorbents in various industrial wastes. The first thing to do is to prepare a sample of the adsorbent from the sawdust. Then the adsorbent was activated with H3PO4 3N for 24 hours. After activation, characteristic analysis was carried out using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Jeol type 6510A. Furthermore, the adsorbent is used for the adsorption process on samples of textile waste, laundry waste, and chemical equipment waste. Then carry out quantitative analysis of heavy metals through the SAA test. After that, the parameters measured include DO, BOD, COD, TDS, and TSS. The synthesis of albasia wood (Albizia chinensis) adsorbent for adsorption of industrial waste gave a significant change where Cu metal was detected from the three samples 0.017 ppm- 0.006 ppm and 0.026 ppm. After the adsorption process, the metal content was not detected or became TE (Trash Element). The results of DO, BOD, COD, TDS, and TSS also showed a decrease after the adsorption process. These results indicate that the adsorption process can reduce the levels of pollutants in the wastewater of various industries.

Keywords: Adsorbent Synthesis, Albizia Wood

Topic: Analytical Chemistry

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