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Suzihaque Maqsood-ul-Haque, Ana Amirul Ahmad, Habsah Alwi, Nurul Asyikin Md Zaki, Ummi Kalthum Ibrahim and Siti Fatma



During the season, the fragrant exotic tropical fruit ^Cempedak^ (Artocarpus integer L.) is widely accessible in Malaysia and has a variety of health advantages. Due to a limitation of research data, cempedak seeds have limited relevance in the food processing business, despite their high nutritional content. In this study, the investigation of the physicochemical properties will provide information about the physical changes that may occur during the processing and development of food product. The parameter which discussed here includes bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, and sugar content. Furthermore, by substituting cempedak seed flour with three other flours, such as wheat flour, rice flour, and bread flour, this study effort attempted to examine the sensory profile of noodle production. Cempedak seed flour was mixed with wheat flour, bread flour, and rice flour in a ratio of 1:1 to make the noodles. The goal of this substitution is to minimize the quantity of cempedak seed that is wasted and thrown away in bins while also allowing cempedak seed flour to be used as a commercial product in the culinary industry. Cempedak seed flour noodles with the substitution of bread flour received the highest overall acceptance score, followed by cempedak seed flour noodles with the substitution of wheat flour and rice flour. For cempedak seed flour noodles, all noodles fell into the ^like moderately^ to ^like very much^ category.

Keywords: Cempedak, Physicochemical, Bulk Density, Oil Absorption Capacity, Water Absorption Capacity, Sugar Content.

Topic: Food Chemistry

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