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Preparation and Physico-chemical characterization of 99mTc-Deoxyglucose as a candidate radiopharmaceutical for diagnostic imaging of cancer
Teguh Hafiz A Wibawa, Eva Maria Widyasari, Maula Eka Sriyani, Isa Mahendra, Ahmad Kurniawan, Yanuar Setiadi, M. Basit Febrian, Iim Halimah, Hendris Wongso

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional


Cancer is a genetic disease that causes by mutations in DNA from a normal cell to a cancer cell. The cancer cell grows quickly and spread to other parts of the body, this condition became the leading cause of death. One of the detection methods that are currently used to detect tumors and metastatic tissues is conducted with radiopharmaceutical of (18F) fluoro 2 deoxy 2 D glucose (18F FDG). This method is quite accurate but is relatively expensive because it needs PET / CT camera that is still limited in Indonesia. With these limitations, in previous studies was developed 99mTc DTPA deoxy D glucose (99mTc DTPA DG) radiopharmaceutical that application using a gamma camera. As new radiopharmaceuticals, the physical and chemical characteristics of these compounds must be known. In this study, physicochemical characterization tests were determined are radiochemical purity, electric charge, lipophilicity (log P), and plasma protein binding. The study result determines that 99mTc DTPA DG radiopharmaceuticals have high radiochemical purity (95.28 0.87%), neutral electric charge, the lipophilic value (log P) minus 1.24 and the plasma protein binding was 72.09 1.65%. The 99mTc-DTPA-DG radiopharmaceuticals liquid kit that storage up to 60 days in minus 20 oC or additional volumes of technetium 99m up to 3 mL still gives radiochemical purity above 95%. From this study, the physicochemical characteristics data of the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc DTPA DG were obtained which can be used in further in vivo studies. From in vivo studies will obtain comprehensive information about the bioactivity of these compounds for cancer diagnostics.

Keywords: 99mTc DTPA DG, 2 deoxy D glucose, physicochemical, radiopharmaceutical, cancer

Topic: Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry

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