Potential of Cellulose Palm Oil Empty Bunches (Elais guinensiss Jacq) as Bioethanol Materials Indriani Febrishaummy* , Hernandi Sujono , Jasmansyah , Dewi Yandriani , Albertus Bulet Tapun , Akhmad Marjan
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi
Palm oil waste has a large cellulose, the decline in crude oil reserves in Indonesia and the rising population give rise the idea to make use palm oil waste as an alternative energy. The main object of this research is to know cellulose content and utilize cellulose extract produced as bioethanol material. This research consisted of four phases: cellulose isolation with 6% NaOH concentration yielding cellulose content of 52%. Hydrolysis cellulose substrate with Trichoderma viride that produces cellulase enzyme. The concentration of reducing sugar compound resulting from the hydrolysis process is determined by the Somogyi Nelson method. The highest reducing sugar produced was 7,095 mg / mL at 25% concentration and 48 hours incubation time, then the hydrolyzate was fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae at pH 4.5 and incubation time 24 hours and 48 hours.