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Fortification of Mujair Fish Protein Hydrolysate (Tilapia Mossambica) On Enyek-enyek (Cassava Crackes)
Eka Herlina (a*), Farida Nuraeni (a), Aldi Alhadid (a)

Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Pakuan, jl. Pakuan PO BOX 452, Bogor 16143, West Java Indonesia


Enyek-enyek (Cassave crackes) is a traditional food that is widely used in West Java, made from grated cassava which is seasoned and then steamed until gelatinization occurs then dried in the sun and fried. According to previous studies, enyek-enyek is a snack food with a nutritional content dominated by carbohydrates. So that innovation is needed to increase nutritional value, one of which can be by adding fish protein hydrolysate. Fish protein hydrolysate made from tilapia fish (Tilapia mossambica). This study aims to determine the level of acceptance and chemical quality of the enyek-enyek formula by adding the Mujair Fish Protein Hydrolysate and obtain the best formula as well as organoleptic characteristics and chemical quality of the enyek-enyek. The parameters tested are organoleptic characteristics, the favorability level is calculated with the friedman test then continued with the Bayes test to find out the best formula, then continued the proximate test of water content, ash content, fat content, and carbohydrates. Friedman test results showed that the addition of protein hydrolysate had an effect on the organoleptic and chemical values. The organoleptic quality characteristics of the selected formula are having a color value with a value of 7.1 or being on the like criteria, texture with a value of 7.2 being in the like criteria, aroma with a value of 7.1 or being in the liking criteria, taste with a value of 7.7 or are in the criteria of very good. The chemical quality characteristics of the selected formula were 6.1% protein, 0.8% fat content, 1.9% ash content and 0.14% acid insoluble ash content and 6.1% water content.

Keywords: Fortification- Fish protein hydrolysate, Cassava crakers

Topic: Food Chemistry

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