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In Silico and in Vivo Sedative-Hypnotic Activity of n-hexane Extract of Keji Beling (Strobilanthes crispa Blume) Leaves
Siti Inayah, Gita Novelatika Friatna, Mohamad Rizandi Juliansyah, Bagas Kafabi Julianto, and Lela Lailatul Khumaisah

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Jalan R. Syamsudin, S.H. No. 50, Cikole, Sukabumi 43113, Indonesia


Insomnia is a sleep disorder can cause various health problems. The treatment of insomnia has been done by giving sedative-hypnotic drugs. However, these drugs have dangerous side effects, so other alternatives are needed by searching for new drug candidates from plants. One of the plants that have the potential is keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa Blume). This study aims to determine the potential of keji beling leaves as a candidate for insomnia drug by in silico through molecular docking and in vivo against male white mice. The docking process is carried out on the GABA receptor. The compound of keji beling leave that has the most potential as an insomnia drug candidate is d-limonene. The in vivo method using fireplace test. 15 mice were divided into 5 groups, negative control (aquadest), positive control (diazepam 2 mg/70kgBW), dose 1 (200 mg/kgBW), dose 2 (400 mg/kgBW), and dose 3 (600 mg/kgBW) extract. Keji beling leaves was extracted by maceration technique using hexane. The results showed that the average time the mice left the tube in each treatment were 5, 120, 87, 118, and 123 seconds, respectively. From this study, keji beling leave has the potential as a new drug candidate for insomnia.

Keywords: insomnia, sedative-hypnotic, in silico and in vitro, Strobilanthes crispa Blume, keji beling

Topic: Natural Products and Biological Chemistry

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