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The Effectiveness of Application of the Flipped Classroom Learning Model Assisted by Edpuzzle Media as an Alternative for Limited Face-to-face Chemistry Learning
Mukhamad Nurhadi*- Septia Pandia Pahangestu- Sri Lestari

Chemistry Education, Mulawarman University
Ma Pahu St., Samarinda City, East Kalimantan


The government issued a policy to change the online learning system which lasted almost 2 years to a limited face-to-face learning system. This decision is considered important to prevent learning loss which is one of the disadvantages of face-to-face (online) learning systems. Students consider online learning to be boring, the learning outcomes of MAN 1 Samarinda students obtained from the average daily test score during online learning are 68.27 and fall into the incomplete category based on the KKM, which is 75. Therefore, appropriate learning alternatives are needed, one of which is Flipped Classroom. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the flipped classroom learning model in limited face-to-face chemistry learning. The population in this study was class X IPA and the sample of this study was class X IPA Session 1 as many as 54 students who participated in limited face-to-face learning. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling. This research method is a pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection used tests in the form of pre-test and post-test as the main data, student response questionnaires, teacher and student activity observation sheets, student activity observation sheets at home and student activity observation sheets as supporting data. Data analysis used N-Gain test and effect size test. The results showed that the flipped classroom learning model was effectively used in limited face-to-face chemistry learning with the average learning outcomes included in the complete category based on the KKM, namely 75, and the N-Gain value included in the medium category. The level of effectiveness of the flipped classroom learning model is very strong.

Keywords: Effectiveness- Flipped Classroom- Limited Face-to-face Learning

Topic: Chemistry Education

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