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Profile of Guided Inquiry Integrated Ethno-STEM in Tulungagung Local Wisdom to Improve Prospective Chemistry Teachers^ Critical Thinking Skills
Ratna Kumala Dewi

Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java Indonesia 65145


Ethno-STEM is a blend of ethno and STEM. Ethno is a learning model from observing local wisdom while STEM is combines interdisciplinary learning approaches between Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This study aims to know profile of guided inquiry integrated Ethno-STEM in Tulungagung local wisdom to improve critical thinking skills of prospective chemistry teachers. This research method uses descriptive qualitative and literature review. The method of data collection is carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. Literature reviews obtained from journals, books, and several other sources attempts to analyze all the data gathered from various sources. Ethno-STEM can equip prospective chemistry teachers to scientifically and correctly understand the field of study (ontology aspects), master technology, have creative, innovative nature, and think critically about techniques to make things or processes that are efficiently able to think mathematically, correctly, and logically, considering the learning process^s economic side. In Tulungagung, there are many local wisdoms that can be developed into Ethno-STEM-based learning, including cultural elements (reog kendang dance), batik (reog kendang batik), natural resources (marble), traditional ceremonies, traditional food, etc. the application of Guided inquiry integrated Ethno-STEM is carried out by students are tasked with understanding and classifying several examples of Tulungagung local wisdom studied from indigenous science, scientific science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by problem formulation, hypothesis, data collection, hypothesis testing, and making conclusions. Guided inquiry learning based on Ethno-STEM is expected to improve critical thinking skills of prospective chemistry teachers at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.

Keywords: guided inquiry, ethno-STEM, local wisdom, critical thinking skills, prospective chemistry teachers

Topic: Chemistry Education

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