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A Systematic Review: The Problems of the Science Learning Process in Local Wisdom Context
(a*)Ida Bagus Ari Arjaya, (b) I Wayan Subagia, (b) I Wayan Redhana, (a) I Made Surya Hermawan

(a) Biology Education Study Program, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University
Kamboja Street, No 11A Denpasar, Bali
(b) Chemistry Education Study Program, Ganesha University of Education
Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia


In the learning process, local wisdom becomes a very important context to make it easier for students to learn according to their immediate environment. This research is classified as a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research which aims to analyze: 1) Problematics of science learning in the context of local wisdom related to classroom management (classroom management), 2) Problematics of the science learning process in the context of local wisdom related to learning tools and infrastructure, 3) Problematics of the science learning process in the context of local wisdom (local wisdom) related to student competence. The article was studied using PRISMA technique with a time interval from 2017-2022. The results showed that: 1) Problems of the science learning process in the context of local wisdom include the perception or views of teachers in the classroom, student discipline, meaningful inquiry activities, learning interactions, and student self-efficacy, 2) Problems that occur in the context of local wisdom related to science learning tools, namely related to module problems and teaching materials that are still limited, learning media used, 3) The Problematics of the science learning process related to student competence includes problems of attitude and character development, development of thinking ability, student ability in reasoning and higher level thinking, as well as the difficulty of teachers in integrating local wisdmaterials that are still limited, learning media used, 3) The Problematics of the science learning process related to student competence includes problems of attitude and character development, development of thinking ability, student ability in reasoning and higher level thinking, as well as the difficulty of teachers in integrating local wisdom material in accordance with expected student competencies. Further study of the role of local wisdom in the learning process that supports hearts-on, hands-on, and minds-on activity is needed.

Keywords: Problems of Science Learning Process- PRISMA- Systematic Literature Review (SLR)- Context of Local Wisdom- Hearts on Activity

Topic: Science Education

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