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Wigbertus Ngabu (1), Henny Pramoedyo (2), Rahma Fitriani (3)

1,2,3 Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Brawijaya University


Panel data is a combination of cross-sectional and time series data. Spatial panel analysis is an analysis to obtain information based on observations affected by the space or location effects. The effect of location effects on spatial analysis is presented in the form of weighting. The use of panel data in spatial regression provides a number of advantages, however, the spatial dependence test and parameter estimators generated in the spatial regression of data panel will be inaccurate when applied to areas with a small number of spatial units. One method to overcome the problem of small spatial unit size is the bootstrap method. This study used the fast double bootstrap (FDB) method by modeling the poverty rate in the Flores islands. The results of Hausman test show that the right model is Random effect. The spatial dependence test concludes that there is a spatial dependence and the poverty modeling in the Flores islands tends to use the SAR model. SAR random effect model R2 shows the value of 77.38 percent and it does not meet the assumption of normality. Spatial Autoregressive Random effect model with the Fast Double Bootstrap approach is able to explain the diversity of poverty rate in the Flores Island by 99.83 percent and fulfilling the assumption of residual normality. The results of the analysis using the FDB approach on the spatial panel show better results than the common spatial panel.

Keywords: FDB, SAR, Random effect, Poverty

Topic: Mathematics Education

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