Survival Analysis of COVID-19 Patients Using Cox Proportional Hazard Regression At Djojonegoro Regional Public Hospital Temanggung Susilowati Gusinta and Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
In 2019, a new type of virus was identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, namely COVID-19. Central Java is one of the five provinces with the highest number of additional COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients using Cox Proportional Hazard regression. It was concluded that on day 0 to day 3 the survival curve fell rapidly with the chance of not recovering in confirmed COVID-19 patients ranging from 1 to 0.5. Based on the modeling carried out, it was found that variables that significantly affect the recovery rate of confirmed COVID-19 patients are respiratory support, number of comorbidities, COVID-19 vaccination status, treatment and epidemiology of the source of transmission. Patients with confirmed COVID-19 who received respiratory support had a recovery rate of 1,771 times faster than confirmed patients with COVID-19 who did not receive respiratory support. Confirmed COVID-19 patients who have received COVID-19 dose 2 have a cure rate of 1,5803 times faster than confirmed COVID-19 patients who have not received COVID-19 vaccination. Confirmed COVID-19 patients who do not have a comorbid disease have a cure rate of 2.037 times faster than confirmed COVID-19 patients who have one comorbid disease and 5.385 times faster than confirmed COVID-19 patients who have two comorbid diseases. Confirmed COVID-19 patients who were not given treatment had a recovery rate of 3,488 times faster than confirmed COVID-19 patients who were given treatment with three types of drugs. Confirmed COVID-19 patients who got COVID-19 after traveling or living in areas with local transmission has a healing rate of 1.5803 times faster than confirmed COVID-19 patients who do not have a history of traveling or living in places at risk of transmission.