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The Effectiveness of Educational Media with Role Play towards Improving Mother Skills as an Effort to Prevent Sexual Violence in Pre-School Age Children
Nurul Laili, Erna Handayani, Ro^isah



Abstract. Sexual violence against children is a form of sexual deviation that is very life-threatening, especially having a destructive impact both physically and psychologically. Meanwhile, in Probolinggo Regency, there are 35 cases of sexual violence against children. The essential purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of providing education using the role-play method for mothers^ skills in preventing sexual violence with pre-school-age children. The design of this study is quasi-experimental. The sampling used purposive sampling with a total sample of 76 respondents divided into 38 respondents as an intervention group and 38 respondents as a control group. Data was collected using a questionnaire of respondents^ characteristics and an observation sheet ^Child sexual abuse prevention practices.^ Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test. The results showed the effectiveness of education with the role-play method on maternal skills to prevent sexual violence against children with a P-value of 0.005. Educational media with the role-play method can be applied as an effort to improve maternal skills as an effort to prevent sexual violence in pre-school-age children. Families, nursing professions, educational institutions, and subsequent research are expected to participate in efforts to prevent sexual violence in children.

Keywords: educational media, role play, mother skills, sexual violence

Topic: Bioinformatics

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