Diabetes Self Management Education Increasing Self-Care For Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients Dodik Hartono1),Titik Suhartini2),Yulia Rachmawati Hasanah3)
STIKES Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan Probolinggo, Indonesia
Type II Diabetes Mellitus is a glucose disorder caused by impaired insulin secretion which can cause various chronic complications. (DSME) can improve skills in performing self-care to prevent diabetic ulcers. This study aims to determine the effect (DSME) on self-care behavior at the Holistic Nursing Therapy Clinic in Probolinggo. This type of research is a pre-experimental research with a one group pre-post design. The population of 35 respondents and a sample of 32 respondents who met the research inclusion requirements were selected through accidental sampling technique. The instrument used was a Summary of Self-care Behavior Assessment Sheet (SSDCA), then data were collected through the Editing, Coding, Scoring, and Tabulating processes. The data obtained were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results of the study before being given (DSME) showed that the most self-care behavior results were those classified as less, namely 21 (65.6%) respondents. After (DSME) most of the self-care behaviors were given enough, namely 12 (37.5%) respondents. The results of the analysis test showed that there was an effect (DSME) on self-care behavior in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with -valeu = 0.002 <α- = 0.05. (DSME) is a program that can be applied to people with type II diabetes mellitus, nurses are expected to use DSME as a health program.
Keywords: Diabetes Self Management Education, Self Care, Diabetes Mellitus