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Enhancing Brackish Water Tilapia Seed Production with Biofloc Technology
Abidin Nur (1), Indrian Rizka Amalia (1), Dian Permana (1), Ratna Indria Sari (1), Endah Soetanti (1), Siswanto (2)

(1) Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

(2) Main Center for Brackish Water Aquaculture Jepara, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia


Preliminary study on biofloc technology for brackish water tilapia seed production were evaluated by using two different stocking densities of 3.000 pcs.m-3 and 6.000 pcs.m-3. Fish larviculture was performed on concrete tanks measured on 5.5 x 1.8 x 0.8 m (active volume 5 m-3) located in semi-indoor building. Biofloc formation were stimulated by adding molasses as carbon source by adjusting C : N ratio to around 10 or more. The water salinity increased gradually after 8th day and reached up to 15 ppt during harvest. The result showed that biofloc volume was recorded at a range of 2-10 mL.L- with TAN (Total ammonia nitrogen) concentration of less than 0.5 ppm, indicating that the system had worked properly. Seed survival rate was 77-79 % and biomass was 0.60 - 0.85 kg.m-3, respectively. It can be concluded that biofloc technology is an alternative to enhance seed production of brackish water tilapia, and is expected to increase the growth of tilapia in the pond. Seed density and biomass need to be studied further regarding tilapia^s growth in pond.

Keywords: biofloc technology, biomass, brackish water tilapia seed, survival rate

Topic: Biotechnology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Abidin Nur II)

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