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The Effects of Paraquat Dichloride Exposure on Lung Histology of Mice (Mus musculus) Through Nebulizer Inhalation Method
Daffa^ Rizal Dzulfaqaar Alauddin1, Iin Lailatul Khoirunnisa^1, Hani Dwi Siswandini1, Rifqi Hilman1, Diajeng Ravika Adil Bangun Negara1, Sholiha Azizatul Zahro1, and Yunita Rakhmawati1, a)

Universitas Negeri Malang


Paraquat dichloride is one of the active ingredients in the Gramoxone herbicide, which farmers use to control weed growth in crops. The widespread use of the herbicide paraquat raises serious concerns about pollution hazards, one of which is health-related. The herbicide paraquat dichloride has the potential to cause lung disorders such as pulmonary fibrosis. This study aimed to determine the effect of exposure to paraquat dichloride on changes in behavior and lung histology of male mice (Mus musculus) due to the formation of scar tissue and thickening of the alveolar walls through the inhalation method. In this experimental study, 24 male mice (Mus musculus) were randomly divided using a completely randomized design) into two groups, namely the control and treatment groups. The treatment group was given the herbicide paraquat dichloride of 50 mg/kg BW dissolved in 1 ml of distilled water for 13 days by inhalation method using a nebulizer. During the study, it was found that behavioral changes in mice that had been treated, such as changes in behavior, were less active, decreased appetite, increased respiratory frequency, and there were inconsistent body weights in mice compared to the control group.

Keywords: inhalation method, mice, paraquat dichloride, pulmonary fibrosis

Topic: Biomedical Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Luthfi Syarifa Rasyidatu Hasnanda)

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