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Screening of Padina sp Bioactive Compounds from Coastal Waters of Madura Island as Potential Antioxidants
Insafitri, Wahyu Andy Nugraha

Marine Science Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura


Padina sp. widely studied in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields. Different location will have an influence on the secondary metabolite compounds produced by the algae as a by-product of the adaptation pattern to their environment. Madura Island has the potential for Padina sp. found on the coast of this island but there is no comprehensive data on antioxidant bioactive compounds produced from Padina sp. found on this island.
The aims of this study were to identify and analyze antioxidant bioactive compounds contained in Padina sp. from Madura Island. This laboratory research was carried out during July-November 2020 by taking samples of Padina sp. from several locations on the Madura coast and laboratory analysis at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Trunojoyo University Madura. Macroalgae samples obtained will be extracted for proximate levels (carbohydrates, protein, ash, and water), determined for phenolic compounds, and analyzed for their potential as antioxidants using the DPPH method.
The results showed that Padina sp. Average water content ranges from 7.54 - 14.52%, average fat content ranges from 0.27 - 1.56%, average protein content ranges from 0.21 - 0.22%, average ash content ranges from 53.78 - 64.22%, fiber content the average ranged from 2.81 - 10.52%, average carbohydrate range 23.05 - 31.66%, Padina sp contained terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, phenolics, and alkaloids, but did not contain saponins and tannins, phenol levels in Padina sp. averaged between 1.88-71.34%, the average antioxidant level is 25.43 - 44.16%.

Keywords: biocative compound, Padina sp, antioxidant, Madura coastal waters

Topic: Biotechnology

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