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Yield Trials of Soybean (M7) Mutant Genotipe (Glycine max L. Merrill) Based on High Production and Resistance to Stem Rot Disease of Athelia rolfsii Curzi
Dhian Pertiwi1, Diana Sofia Hanafiah*2 and Irda Safni2

1)Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia
2)Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia
*Corresponding author email: dedek.hanafiah[at]yahoo.co.id
Email addresses of coauthors: dhian.pertiwi18[at]gmail.com, irdasafni[at]gmail.com


Soybean consumption (Glycine max L.) in Indonesia has increased significantly. The very large demand for soybeans and limited ability to import demand the immediate development of domestic soybeans. One of the inhibitors that can reduce soybean production is a disease caused by the fungus Athelia rolfsii (Curzi). The development program needs to be supported by plant breeding as an effort to overcome problems in developing soybean cultivation technology, one of which is by assembling high-yielding varieties that are always accompanied by disease-resistant characters. This study was aimed to determine the level of resistance to stem rot disease of A. rolfsii Curzi and production of soybean (M7) mutan genotype under disease stress and optimum condition. This research was conducted in 2019 using an augmented design. The treatments used were 11 mutant genotypes and 3 comparison varieties, anjasmoro variety, argomulyo variety, and kipas putih variety. The results showed that genetic diversity and heritability between genotypes of the M7 generation had high values for each production character except for the characters of flowering age, number of productive branches and weight of 100 seeds. The appearance of agronomic characters observed in agronomic traits on inoculated area by A. rolfsii Curzi that caused stem rot disease is lower than the optimum field. Based on the plant sensitivity index, genotype M100A25 (3/7) and M200A12(6/5) had resistant to stem rot disease while M100A25(5/3), M100A25(3/4), M100A6(31/1), M200A11(32/3) had moderate resistance to stem rot disease. The result of strains selection on M7 generation resulted in two strain with high production character and resistance to stem rot disease, M100A25 (3/7) and M200A12(6/5).

Keywords: Athelia rolfsii- high production- resistent stem rot disease- sensitivity index- soybean mutant genotipe (M7)

Topic: Agricultural Environment, Ecology and Resources

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