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Coffee farming management as impact of the distance of farmers^ home in Tanggamus District, Lampung Province, Indonesia
Rusdi Evizal (a*) and Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi (b)

a) Department of Agro-technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
* rusdi.evizal[at]fp.unila.ac.id
b) Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung


Tanggamus District is the second largest coffee producer in Lampung Province after West Lampung District. The main production region located at the highland of northern side of Tanggamus namely Sub-district of Air Naningan, Pulau Panggung, and Ulu Belu which bordering with protected forest area. This research was conducted in Sumberejo Sub-district of Tanggamus Regency using survey method and Focused Group Discussion, considering that Sumberejo was the population center and the main coffee producer among Talang Padang ex-subdistrict region. The study involved 3 villages that chosen purposively with 71 respondent of coffee farmers that determined using simple random sampling method, and 3 series of FGD in April 2019 until September 2020. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and quantitative method. The results show that there are 49% sample farmers that grow coffee located at medium (5-19 km) or long distance (&#8805-20 km) from home. There are 25-76% sample farmers work as seasonal migrant who usually (76.5% farmers) come to the garden once a month or once in two months. About 38% of sample farmers have coffee plantations outside Sumberejo Sub-district mainly at Sub-district of Air Naningan and Ulu Belu. Long-distance coffee plantations are characterized by larger landholdings (1.5 ha on average), higher coffee stands per hectare (2,456 trees on average), and are dominated by mature coffee trees (41% farmers) and younger coffee trees (29% farmers). The more distance from home the lower shade trees population is. However more divers of MPTS are found in coffee plantation that located close to home residency. The yield of coffee plantations that are close or medium distance from home ranges 0.75-0.77 ton per hectare per year. Meanwhile, coffee plantations that are located far distance from home get a yield of 0.94 ton per hectare.

Keywords: coffee, home distance, migrant, MPTS, plantation, shade trees, yield

Topic: Agricultural Environment, Ecology and Resources

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