Implementation Innovative of e-Module on Learning Nonmetal Chemistry Based on KKNI Curriculum
Elsa Febrina Tarigan(a*), Nurfajriani (b), Zainuddin Muchtar (c)

(a)* Postgraduate Chemistry Education, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr .V, Medan

(b,c) Postgraduate Department of Chemistry Education, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr .V, Medan


The Covid-19 situation is strongly on because of reduce mobility. This makes system early learning conventional switch be online and educators should innovate make something innovative teaching materials for push spirit study with use latest ICT technology. For that, they need development innovative teaching materials that can be accessed both online and offline. The aim of mode this is to develop an e-module in learning nonmetal theory oxygen and sulfur based on the KKNI curriculum. This study uses ADDIE as a model for the development of learning materials. (Analysis- Design- Development -Implementation-Evaluation). The study involves 31 students of the Chemistry Study Program in the 2020 academic year. The results show that the increase in student learning outcomes after using an innovative e-module based on KKNI to achieve the high N-gain criteria of 0.75 and met the minimum competency standards and student responses were very good an average value of 89.1%. So it can be said that innovative KKNI-based e-modules can be used as a source of teaching materials.

Keywords: Innovative Learning, KKNI, Inorganic Oxygen and Sulfur

Topic: Inorganic Chemistry

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