In Silico and in Vivo Anti-inflammatory Activity of Methanol Extract of Cocok Bubu (Elatostema rostratum Blume Hassk) Leaves
Fena Nur Afniarty, Dais Mulyana, Anita Anida Harfan, Mila Nurmala Hayati, and Lela Lailatul Khumaisah

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Jalan R. Syamsudin, S.H. No. 50 Cikole, Sukabumi 43113, West Java, Indonesia


Inflammation is a normal protective response to tissue injury caused by physical trauma, chemicals, and microbiological agents. Various drugs have been developed to treat inflammation, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, long-term use of NSAIDs can cause severe side effects. Therefore, using medicinal plant be an alternative inflammatory treatment. One of the plants that has the potential to treat inflammation is cocok bubu (Elatostema rostratum Blume Hassk). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of methanol extract of cocok bubu leaves as an anti-inflammatory by in silico through molecular docking and in vivo against white male mice through the percentage of inflammation inhibition. Based on a molecular docking, it is known that the compounds of cocok bubu leaves have a good binding to cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) receptor with the best effect on phytol acetate and epinephrine. The in vivo method using carrageenan-induced foot edema formation, with edema measurement every 1 hour for 6 hours. The results showed that the extract doses of 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg BW had anti-inflammatory activity with inflammation inhibition percent 60.00, 70.67, and 87.25%. The most effective dose is 600 mg/kgBW because the percentage of inflammation inhibition better than a positive control.

Keywords: cocok bubu, Elatostema rostratum Blume Hassk, anti-inflammatory, in silico and in vitro, molecular docking

Topic: Natural Products and Biological Chemistry

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