Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skills of the 21st Century Learners Using Socio-scientific Issues as A Context
Sri Rahayu

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics & Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang no 5, Malang Indonesia 65145


We enter a rapid profound change in the 21st century. Every aspect of education from preschool to post-secondary education is focused on preparing citizens with 21st century competencies. Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and scientific literacy, among the 21st century competencies, should be taught and these two competencies have been a major goal of science education nowadays. So, teachers should not only be capable of using innovative teaching strategy that is in line with contemporary theory/philosophy of learning, but they should assess their students using HOTS-oriented instruments that promote the development of learners^ HOTS and scientific literacy. Although studies confirm the importance of teachers in developing students^ HOTS as an effort to prepare students for future challenges, some obstacles have been found, such as (1) teaching strategies that engage students^ HOTS are rare- (2) teachers^ understanding of HOTS is still relatively limited- (3) teachers still have difficulty in developing instruments to measure students^ HOTS. Classroom science assessments generally consist of asking students to recall information- (4) although teachers believe that they are assessing HOTS, they are not. It is strongly recommended, however, that assessments should test higher order as well as lower order thinking. To assess the 21st learners, the assessment should reflect the characteristics of 21st century issues or problems that could trigger students^ higher-order thinking. In chemistry education, especially, teaching and learning should be based on chemistry subjects that are relevant to students^ lives and represent authentic relevant issues. Socio-scientific issues and problems faced by 21st learners are considered appropriate and relevant to be incorporated into the HOTS assessment. This paper, then, discuss: (1) how higher order thinking skills can be defined in terms of transfer (Bloom taxonomy), critical thinking, and ill-structured problem solving- (2) wh

Keywords: assessment, critical thinking, higher order thinking skills, problem solving, socio-scientific issues

Topic: Chemistry Education

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