Development of Chemistry Learning Videos on Covalent Bond Material.
Anita Setiawati, Mukhamad Nurhadi, Farah Erika

Universitas Mulawarman


This research was motivated by the difficulties of students in covalent bonding material during. Research on the development of learning video media on covalent bonding material is very necessary as one of the learning media that can be used by students. The development model used in this study is the Alesi & Trolip model with 3 stages (Planning, Design, Development) and each stage has 3. Based on the results of the validity test with material experts, media experts and practitioners, the percentages were 86.40 percent, 93.78 percent and 85.71 percent with very valid criteria. Based on the results of the reliability test by material experts and media experts, the percentages were. Learning video research can be continued to the pilot stage for students to determine the level of practicality and effectiveness of covalent bond learning videos.

Keywords: Learning Video, Learning Difficulties, Covalent Bonds.

Topic: Chemistry Education

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